Alex's Pov 7

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Anna finally told me what she had been thinking about recently, I feel a lot better now that she has told me. She told me how she wanted to get her revenge and I don't blame her,  I agree he should get what he deserves. I understand her wanting revenge on him but it sounds like she's going a little too far with it, she described what she wanted to do to him in grave detail. Anna doesn't seem very okay mentally though it's understandable considering what has happened to her. I hope her medication helps her, I don't like seeing her like this she's always so anxious now and I'm worried about her. At least she finally told me what has been going on in her mind, though normally I would say killing people is wrong since it is but.. he kinda deserves it. I mean with all the shit that he's done I don't know how he wasn't caught, even with the police having a blood sample they still couldn't figure out who he is. I wonder how he manages to get away with everything I mean he was so close to being caught several times yet he's still out there. I wish I could talk to Anna in a way she would understand, it would make things a lot easier for the both of us.

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