Event 10

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as Anna walked out of the room she stopped in her tracks as her phone dinged, this was unusual for her as she normally has her notifications off. Alex jumped up on the bed to see what the noise was while Anna checked to see what the ding was. Turns out it was a text message from an unknown number that Anna didn't know, the message read "He's here" with a location afterwards. Anna responded by asking who is there, then the stranger said "I think you know who I'm talking about Anna." Anna had no other plans that day so she decided to check it out, when she opened Alex decided to follow her as he seemed unsure. When she arrived near the location she saw an arrow pointing towards an alleyway with a staircase going down. She decided to begin walking down as she was curious about what this was, She ended up walking down a trail that led to the mostly destroyed remains of her childhood home. Anna then heard a voice telling her to head inside the house and she did, Alex was weary and did not want to do this but wanted to keep Anna safe. Inside the house, there was a chair in the middle of the room the something in it and as they went closer they saw the hooded man from before tied to the chair. Just then someone in a trench coat and mask walked out and poured lighter fluid all over the hooded man, afterwards they handed Anna a box of matches and stood back. Anna's hallucinations kicked in and out of anger she lit the match as the hooded man begged for mercy, Anna dropped the match and backed away quickly watching the hooded man go up in flames as he screamed in pain. Not long after the screams stop Anna runs out and got out of sight just before she heard sirens surrounding the house, Anna then ran home with Alex without looking back.

The Story Of A Girl And Her Catحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن