Journal 5

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I don't know what is happening with me I don't understand what's going on, at first things would appear and disappear then I heard voices now things are turning into other things? How is this even possible I thought this kinda stuff only happens in movies, either way, I contacted A psychiatrist and I will be meeting with them later. At least Alex can come with me to meet with them, Alex would probably be confused but he does enjoy wearing his bowtie outside. I'm sure he'll be happy I'm not leaving him though, he always looks so sad whenever I have to leave him alone in the apartment. I don't know how he'll react to going with me somewhere he has never seen, though he usually enjoys going to new places and showing off his bowtie that he seems to be so proud of. well I have to head home now the library closes in a half hour and I have to go check out a new book to read with Alex, he loves listening to me read as he falls asleep in my arms it's adorable.

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