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The day when Emma left.
Tw; mention of abusing and rape.

Tw; mention of abusing and rape

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As I make my way to the airport I can't stop the tears that are threatening to fall. I'll go back to New York, to my old life

Mariana insisted on using their private jet, but of course I refused. I never wanted anything from them and I still don't

As I wait for my flight a blonde woman with bright pink lips who looks like a flight attendant came up to me.

"Miss Brown?" She asks, her voice is deep and I didn't recognize it.
"Can I help you?" I ask a little irritated.

I'm not in the fucking mood to be nice.

"Yes. You're Miss Brown right?"
I slowly nod my head.
"Please follow me."
"I'm just doing my job and someone requested you."

What if it's Matteo and he came to explain

I don't care anymore, I'm too fucked up right now and the possibility for Matteo to be here and explain is enough reason for me to follow

I stand up and walk behind the flight attendant. Just in case it maybe is Matteo. He better fucking explains.

As I walk behind the blondine I hear footsteps behind me.
When I turn my head,
I suddenly see 2 men running towards me and the flight attendant.

They're wearing red gloves and a specific belt with a red rose on it.


They're Tim's men.

There's is no change of escaping them so I run towards them

One of them tries to bring me down with a sliding. But I see him luckily on time. I make sure to jump in time and end up back on the ground right when his dick is under my feet.

I'm a fucking genius.
Bye bye chance of getting kids

He screams in pain and i see in the corner of my eye the other one throwing a punch at me. His fist collides with my jawline, but i don't move.
I have to admit, that punch hurt like a motherfucker, ugly ass bitch.

"You asshole!"

my fist hits his nose and i see blood oozing from his face, me hitting him on the floor and I keep destroying his face. But then I hear the blond flight attendant speak "yes boss, she is here." She's talking to her hearing devise, fuck.

It was a trap.

De blondine runs away and suddenly I see around 50 men enter the hallway we are in.
All of them are Tim's men.

There is no escaping.

Everything went black.


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