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⚠️in this chapter will be talked about not being able to get pregnant. I understand of course that it might be a difficult topic

 I understand of course that it might be a difficult topic

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Emma brown

"Ms Brown, I would like to have a word with you" I'm laying against the warm chest of Matteo while I hear the doctor talking in the doorway "Is there something wrong doctor?" Matteo asks him, he knows I still have a hoarse and quite painful voice. My throat is still not completely healed and my throat feels like it's burning when I speak out a single word.

"Uhm I think it's a private and maybe sensitive topic" he awkwardly says, so basically he wants Matteo out. Not gonna happen.  "Whatever it is, Matteo can hear it too" I tell him
I feel a smirk on Matteo's face against my hair, he's definitely happy about my statement, cause I can feel his hands on my thigh moving and making circles.
I know I just praised his ego

The doctor scrubs his hand uncomfortably behind his neck "uhm well, I'm really sorry miss and I'm sorry you have to hear it, b-but-" he stutters "but what?" Matteo scolds
The doc straightens his back and tries to look a bit more, well less scared I guess?
"There is a change you can't bear children in the future"
My mind stops and before I can think and worry further he speaks again "your attacker stabbed you not only in the stomach but also in your uterus. There is only a small change of pregnancy for you, but of course that doesn't mean it's not possible" he  pauses for a bit before he speaks again "of course Its not impossible but the uterus is heeling and the question is, will it heal good enough to be strong enough for a growing human" he speaks further talking bullshit while I'm zoning out and let it sink in.

I won't be able to give Matteo a heir. I won't be able to give him a lovely and beautiful child with his eyes.
What about our beach house and all our children in the garden playing together with their cousins?

A sob escapes me mouth and I hear Matteo dismiss the doctor. His grip on me tightens and he rubs my back while I break down in his warm arms. "I'm so sorry Matteo" I cry out
I'm sorry I can't give you what you would love to have one day "sshhhh amore, there is still a change. It doesn't mean it's impossible okay? And I'm a Romano and soon, I promise you, you will be too and Romano's conquer everything. Especially with that strong and beautiful body of yours. Understand?" His voice is soft and makes me worry less about the fucked up situation

Still sobbing in his chest He lifts my chin to look up at him and I'm met with those green eyes "understand?" He asks again. I slowly nod while he wipes my salty tears.

"I love you"

My voice was barely even a whisper but by the look on Matteo's face he clearly heard it. He heard the three words that can completely change everything and when he doesn't say anything I began to feel ashamed and I look down. Not that I have a change to, because my head is hold in two hands and two soft lips meets mine.
"I love you too, baby" he pecks my lips once again "I love you" he pecks my left eye "I love you" he pecks my right eye " I love you" he pecks my cheeks "I love you" and lastly he gives me a lingering kiss on the forehead "I fucking love you"

I chuckle and I shake my head full of happiness, I look up at him and see a huge, the biggest smile I've ever seen on him. 

He kisses me again on the lips "we will get through this, amore."

"Im sorry for the snot on your shirt" he chuckles "don't worry, I have hundreds of shirts"

I love him


Three weeks later

"Matteo!" Mariana yells from her room. Damn she has a strong ass voice and she sounds angry. Matteo groans, getting up from my lap and our bed "I'll look what's the problem now, I'll be back in a minute" he pecks my lips.

These past three weeks has been relaxed. We've done nothing, well I have done nothing. The Romano siblings had to work a lot lately. So I've watched all seasons of Outerbanks and right now I'm reading shatter me. I'm only at chapter 16 and I think I'll make Aaron my second hubby, maybe first and Matteo second....

Matteo is still not back after a few minutes so I decide to check if he's at his office. Making my long long long way in this huge mansion I finally am at his office. I knock four times in the rhythm Matteo thought me so he knows it's me, but I don't hear anything.
I slowly open the door

Matteo told me I could always enter so I just make my way to the sofa and read my book further.

After another 10 minutes he still isn't here. What the fuck is wrong Mariana?
I see a lot of pictures on a cupboard. I pick one up and see the siblings and two older gorgeous people standing with them. They look like them. I guess it are their parents. All of them are having a huge smile on their face and it looks like they're having a picknick or something like that.
Matteo told me they all were very close till they were killed. Unfortunately I never get the change to meet them. They look lovely.
The woman has long wavy dark blonde hair and is wearing a very pretty pink sundress.
The man, their father I guess, is a older version of Matteo. He has the same hair color and is wearing a chocolate brown suit.

I see a lot of pictures. One of them with three dogs.
Also one where the three siblings are at a beach close to this house and I think Matteo is around the age of 14 here. The picture was taken without them knowing and they're playing soccer at the beach. Mariana and Matteo both laughing and I see Luciano pouting at something.

I look at the other pictures and then I see one in general. It can't be. I take the picture frame in my hands and look at it closely. How is this possible? It's not even that long ago, maybe a few years, 2 maybe. How? How did he know him? Did he know me?

The picture frame falls out of my hands before I know it.

The door flies open "Emma, shit. Are you okay?" I hear Luciano ask worried. I give him a wide eyed look.
I few second later Matteo and Mariana also come in "what happend?" Mari asks.

I look down at the picture that just felt. I see all three of them staring at it too.

"How did you know my brother?"


Words) 1180
Damn a lot of shit happend here!
Sorry for short chapter

Words) 1180Damn a lot of shit happend here!Sorry for short chapter

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