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Matteo Romano

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Matteo Romano

"When is she going to wake the fuck
up!" I yell at the doctor who looks like she's seen a murderer

Well she did

"I-im sorry sir but the result weren't clear enough to tell if she's going to wake up." And she runs out of the room

If, not when, but if.

Its been 3 weeks now.
3 weeks with Emma in a Fucking coma

I have blue balls, I miss my amore, I feel like shit, I look like shit and Emma isn't waking up.

Happy fucking birthday Matteo!

And I chuckle humorless at the joke.

Usually I go clubbing with Gio and Luciano on my birthday but here I am, in a hospital waiting for the love of my life to wake up.

It's been three weeks since I shot Nikita and I saw Emma her body go numb.

Numb, nothing. I hold her in my hands and her body didn't even feel like a human body but like a damn corpse.

"Any news?" I feminism voice ask
I look at my side and I see my beautiful sister standing in the door way.
Mari is wearing biker shorts with a oversized hoodie and her hair is up in a ponytail.
Mariana hasn't been herself lately, most of all cause there's no one for her to talk with.


"Matteo, she'll wake up. It's Emma. Come on she's strong as hell." Hell, that's where Nikita is now. I smirk to myself.

I should've killed her a long time ago.

"You have it?" I ask her

I hear the soft sounds of her socks against the floor when she slides her socks on the floor giving me my journal.
"Thanks Mari, you should sleep it's pretty late." She shrugs at me "can I sleep here?" She whispers in a voice that sounds, almost.....Ashamed?

I nod at her "of course"

And her warm arms embrace me. "Thank you, I won't disturb you."

Mariana lays down on the couch on the other side of the room and I slowly hear her snor when I decide to read my journal

My therapist made me write a journal three years ago. I didn't like the idea of writing all my feelings shit down, but I got literally forced by Lana.
She attacked me with her flip flops and she was threatening to use her belt on me.


Today Emma and I went to the lake and a lot of shit happend to me. Fuck I don't even know what.
I hugged her. I haven't had a hug like that in years and I just decided it was okay to hug her! The weird part is that I felt that feeling that Nikita made me feel sometimes before shit went down, but it also gave me a weird, but enjoyable tingling in my stomach. Jezus, A fucking killer is talking about a tingling in his stomach. Pathetic. But All my problems felt dissolved for a moment and the time was suddenly just,    gone.
I'm scared I'll fall for this adorable brunette. She thinks she's a badass, witch she definitely is, but I can see in those fucking drowning making beach eyes that she is a damn softy on the inside. I wish she would show me that sweet and adorable side once but I can't make her do that. I won't let her, cause the moment she will I know my walls are gonna break and I can't let that happen cause it's too dangerous. She's obviously running from a dangerous past and I cant make her run into it again. I won't forgive myself. And I can't go get soft. I'll need to stay away from her I guess. Even if it's going to be hard

Damn what a stupid thought of mine. I never should've ran away. I should've embrace it cause it made me so much stronger


I'm laying in my bed right now with a damn beautifull, breathtaking, adorable, hot, sweet tasting amore. Fuck I went insane when I saw her with Manuel on that ball yesterday and I couldn't fucking hold it anymore, I confessed it all to her and after that. Damn I never got laid like that. She was under me, on top of me and I took her in every corner of my room, well now ours cause I won't ever let her sleep without me.
She's laying besides me and god she's the most pretty woman I've ever seen. It's crazy how she can be a damn badass woman who will kill you if she wants one moment and the next she's cuddled up against me and sweet as fuck and blushes at every compliment you'll give her. I think she poisoned me with obsession for her.-

I was going to read further but I heard someone cough besides me. I look over at Mariana to see her deep in her sleep so I move my gaze to the door only to see nothing.

I look at the bed.

"Hi" she lazily smiles at me

She smiles at me!
Her eyes are open!

I stand up from the couch, my journal falls from me lap and I run towards her. "Hey baby, how are you feeling. Oh my god you're awake" I can almost feel a damn tear escape my eye

"How lo-" she cuts herself of and touches her throat. Fuck it probably hurts like a bitch to speak. The doctors informed that if she would wake up speaking would be difficult for some weeks cause of the cut. "Shhh, wait I have a plan"
I make my way back to the couch and take mt journal from the ground where it fell

"Here, write it down" I give her the journal on a blank page, a pencil and her hand start to write smoothly. She gives me the paper back with such a cute and innocent smile.

How long have I been out for?????????

"Three weeks" I tell her softly while taking a strand of her hair and play with it with my fingers.
Her eyes widen in shock and she takes the paper and pen again.

Where is everyone and what happend?

"Well..." I start and I move her hair behind her ears to take a good look at her "Marian is sleeping over there" I point to the other couch and Emma chuckles at the sight of a drooling and sleeping Mariana
"And Gio and Luciano have been taking over the buisnes for a few weeks now. I stayed here" and her eyes soften.

She pats the place next to her on the bed and I gladly make my way in the bed besides her and take her in my arms again. Her gaze goes to my watch and her eyes widen again.

She smiles to herself and her head turns to me.
"Happy birthday asshole" she whispers with a hoarse voice

The biggest smile grows on my lips "thank you baby, Ti amo"

Best birthday gift ever


Words) 1170
So it's not edited, sorry for any mistakes シ

Hope you like this chapter :)

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