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Matteo Romano

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Matteo Romano

"Brother!?" I ask. Justin! Justin was her brother! Fuck no. Fuck fuck fuck. She stands there shocked and confused. I step towards her but she steps back and it feels worse then a gunshot near the heart. I can tell from experience. "H-how did you know him!" She asks. I can't answer her. She's not the only one who's shocked, so Luciano answers instead
He was My best friend and a traitor.

"He worked with us" he tells her while he slowly tries to approach her. She only looks more confused "what do you mean?" She swallows and straightens her back to look strong again. "Justin, he worked for us. We were friends with him" and I feel my heart race.
He did it for her. He did it for Emma. He saved my love. "He's dead" she states "he's dead" she slowly reapers to herself and then she looks at all three of us with wide open eyes "did you? Did you do it? Kill him?" She asks in a whisper. I shake my head "we were planing on it" I tell her honestly and the pain I see in her eyes is unbearable

A hand goes frustrated In her hair and she shakes her head "I don't understand any of it. Please explain. I'm going crazy here" she almost cries. I slowly step forward and thank god, she didn't step away. I take her in my arms and she snuggles into my chest "I'll explain to you, but let's first go to bed" she shakes her head in my chest "I want to know now" i kiss her hair "i will tell you everything in our room. Okay?" She nods and before she can start walking I pick her up. Without looking at the others we make our way to our room.

Emma lays between my legs and with her head on my chest "what really happened?" She asks me.

"It's really not a big story to be honest, Justin and I became friends after I saw him fighting some people in a club. I saw something In him and I offered him a job, but through the years we became friends and he was even my right hand." I swallow at all the memories "and then?" She asks "then I found out he betrayed us, he did jobs for your crazy ex" I feel her tense and she probably thinks the wrong things "he didn't betray us. He betrayed Tim, but we didn't know. We were planning on killing him but Tim also found out and he killed him first. Then we got a letter and he explained everything. He found out what Tim did to you so he played the act of betraying us to Tim, but in reality he betrayed Tim." Emma hears the pain In My voice and hugs my as close as possible "I lost my best friend and I almost killed him myself Emma. I could've saved him" and I tear leaves my eyes "shshsh, it's okay. It was all Tim's fault." "I could've saved him. I could've saved your brother" I whisper slowly
"Tim would've never stopped trying to kill Justin. You might've saved him from a terrible life where he needs to run for his live. Where he needs to hide. At least he's save now, I hope" she tells me slowly and my eyes grow heavy "you should sleep Matteo" I hear her whisper "you can close your eyes" she tells me again "will
You be here when I wake up" I ask her "yes, go to sleep now, baby. You need to rest" and in a few minutes I fell asleep.

Emma Brown

Matteo just woke up and he's horny as fuck. Kissing me everywhere and is hands can't seem to stay away from my body. "You're so pretty amore" I hear him mumble against my neck.
"Thank you, you look okay yourself " I whisper in his ear and a deep chuckle is heard from down my neck

"just okay?" He asks with a smirk
"Yeah, it's okay to put up with." His hands traveling from my ass to my waist. "Matteo" I warn. A chuckle escapes him and when his warm big hands find my underwear a feeling comes over me and suddenly I'm as desperate as him "that's not fair" I groan ar him. He knows that turns me on. He smirks and before I know if I feel the tip of his middle finger inside of me

"Still sure about the just okay part?" He asks me playfully. I hum not able to speak a single word when his finger is buried inside of me. He ads another one and I gasp "Matteo!" He kisses my jaw and makes his way of wet kisses to my ear "Still so sure?" I can feel his sexy smirk against my skin that's getting hotter any minute. I mumble something but I can't even figure out myself what I said.
How embarrassing

Matteo chuckles "Words, amore" and another finger is added inside of me. "Fuck!" I moan out.

Do I want more or not?

"You look average." I smirk And I kiss his jaw slowly going to his neck and marking him. "Fuck" he groans. His fingers thrusting In and outside of me and when Im almost at my reach he stops and I groan in protest "please"

He grabs one of my boobs from under my shirt and his other hand takes the back of my neck smashing out lips together. He puls away "how bad do you want it amore?" He asks. My eyes roll at the kisses he gives my upper body and the way he massages my left boob. "Fuck, Matteo. So bad. Please" I beg him. He lick my earlobe "tell me I'm the only man you'll ever look at like this" he demands in a whisper.
"Y-you're  the , fuck!" I'm cut off when he slams his fingers inside of me again. "I was listening" he smirks

"Fuck! You're the only man I'll ever fucking look at." I say as fast as possible needing to come. And before I know it the knot in my stomach leaves and a wave of pleasure fills me for a moment when I feel my releases "I love you" I hear Matteo whisper in my ear before he kisses my temple

"I love you" I whisper


There's a big chance that there will be spelling faults and shit I didn't edit it. Sorry

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