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Emma Brown

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Emma Brown

"No way!" I laugh out loud at the stories Mariana is telling me "yes! He told her she had pretty boobs and she ran away as fast as possible" apparently Luciano had a boob obsession when he was 15 and he told every girl who had good boobs they were pretty. Sometimes it made him lucky and he got laid and sometimes, wel lets say it didn't and well

"Stop launching, remember that blonde bitch Camia?" Luciano asks at Mariana and she lets out a loud laugh "oh my god! She was the one who made her brothers come after you" she snorts and Luciano sends her a glare "Not funny, I had a broken nose!" Did I tell you that Luciano love his nose. No? Well no you know.

"Tell ya about your embarrassing moments Ems" Mariana turns to me and I shake my head while I put a strawberry in my mouth tasting the fruit "no thanks" "come on! Only one. Both me and Luc told you about ours" I sigh and roll me eyes "okay" I tell them defeated "so I was 14 I guess and there was this boy I really liked. I baked a cake for him with the text I like you on it, but in the inside of the cake I put chocolate, cause who doesn't like chocolate. Turns out he was allergic to chocolate. He almost died" I chuckle at the embarrassing moment. Mariana gasps and her hand covers her mouth, stopping herself to laugh "No way! That's terrible" I shrug at her "he was an asshole" I got confused looks from them "I thought he was your crush" Luciano asks me confused

I take another strawberry "yeah he was, but after that, he told everyone I was planning on killing him and apparently kids of 14 years old believed that Shit"
"What did you do?" Mariana asks me, knowing I wouldn't ignore it
"It wasn't a big revenge, but I stole his clothes while he was showering after PE and put them in a cake mix full of chocolate cakemix in the bake classroom"  both of them begin laughing and I go back to that moment, I remember it very well. I was suspended for three weeks after that. Only cause his mommy was a damn lawyer and donated to the school.
"I would never want to have a fight with you. I would be terrified" Mari laughs

I shriek when two warm hands find their way on my waist from my back. I relax when I smell the cologne from Matteo and I lean my back into his chest. I feel a kiss on my temple "ahh Matteo! Your turn" Luciano says exited "my turn?" Matteo asks

Mariana nods "yeah, your most embarrassing moment" "yeah not going to happen" he murmurs and before I know he picks me up "Mari help me!" I yell playfully

"we both know you don't want my help!" And I chuckle with Matteo when he walks to his garage "what are we going to do?" I ask him. "It's a surprise" I whine like a kid "come on! A small detail" I beg him. He rolls his eyes and I groan giving up. He's not going to tell me.

We're in his car with his hand on my thigh making circles "please tell me" i beg again, for the hundredth time
He shakes his head playfully "we're almost there" he tells me and he only makes me more exited.

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