Accidental Voyeur: Liam

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I groaned as I walked through the front door of my house. My meeting with Meredith and my PR agent had taken far longer than I had anticipated. I had just spent the last three hours, at a fancy restaurant, sipping expensive liquor, and being chastised for my romantic adventures. I felt like a child who had just disappointed the parents he paid to govern over him. Did I get it? Sure. Did I like it? One hundred percent no.

I headed for the kitchen, not even bothering to turn on the light as I grabbed a beer from the fridge. Mere had somehow managed to get Disney to give me another chance, but the producers had made it clearer than crystal that this was absolutely the one and only second chance I would be given. One more toe outside of their family friendly, PG rated line, and my contract would be done for.

And with it? Likely my career.

I sank into a chair at the dining table I'd never used and scrubbed my hands over my face. I had to get my shit together, pronto, or I would lose everything I'd spent my entire adult life working for. And that was going to be easier said than done. I wasn't oblivious to the fact that I lacked a very base level of self-control. I wasn't completely unaware to my own scumbag tendencies. I just...

I didn't care. They didn't bother me. I liked being single, I liked partying and I liked sex. So fucking sue me. It wasn't like I was leading anyone on. Every woman I was with was more than aware that she would never mean more to me than a phone call when I was eager to get my dick wet. They basically signed up for it! If they expected more, it was their fault, not mine. And I was sick of being made to feel like shit for it.

I hadn't always been so staunchly against relationships. I'd been in love. Once. And that was all I needed. It was your classic "boy meets girl. Boy falls in love with girl, follows her across the country and finds her with his best friend's dick in her mouth." At least that was the classic version of the story I knew, and I wasn't interested in learning any other versions. I had sworn off love years ago. The very instant I walked in on Liv and my now ex-best friend. From there on out, there had been only one thing I needed a partner for, and I'd do that on my own if I could.

Unfortunately, I had yet to figure out how to make my hand feel more like a vagina, so here we were.

As I rose from the table, ready to grab another beer and head to my bedroom and wallow in self-pity, movement by the pool caught my attention. I sipped the last of the bottle in my hand as I approached the glass doors with caution. I could see a pair of legs stretched out on one of the patio chairs and for a brief moment, I panicked.

Then I remembered Allegra.

But those... those were not the legs I'd seen stemming out of her cutoffs earlier. Those were thicker... wider... hairy...

I almost choked as I watched the back of Allegra's head rise from the man's lap, just to disappear again as his palm pressed it back down. He held her down, and suddenly, every deep throat porno I'd ever seen was flashing in my mind and I couldn't look away.

The fuck...

My best friend's little sister was blowing some dude on my patio... and I was standing no more than twenty feet away, watching it all go down... literally.

I watched as her head lifted again. I watched as her eyes appeared and stared at the man, I could only see the legs of. I watched her, I could only imagine, swirl her tongue along the head of his cock. And I watched her head disappear once more, now bobbing in and out of view.

Despite the fact that my brain was pleading with me to mind my own business and get the fuck out of there, my curious dick wanted to see more. It wanted to imagine itself in the faceless man's place, Allegra and her plush lips wrapped around it. My dick had a very vivid imagination.

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