F Is For Family: Liam

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"I'm ready to be fucking done."

"One more week," Allegra's sweet voice rang in my ear as I stomped my way back to my trailer.

Going back to filming hasn't been as easy as I had previously anticipated. I just wanted to be home. With her. Figuring out where life was going to take us next. Everything in Atlanta had just become obnoxious to me. In the past, I'd be living large: out partying every night, showing up to set late or still drunk. But now? Now all I could think about was what was waiting for me back in LA. Even the groupies gathered just outside the set couldn't distract me.

The more I'd though about it in the last two weeks (which had been pretty much constantly) the more I felt like we should keep the baby. No. Felt like wasn't it. That made it sound like it was some kind of chore. Something that we had to do but didn't want to. I wanted to keep the baby. I wanted a chance to have my own family. A chance to make the Cohen name mean more than my own parents had. I just hadn't figured out how to tell Allegra that yet. She was still a bundle of nerves over the whole thing, and I was kind of scared I would send her over the edge if I confessed.

"What's going on?" Allegra asked, snapping me out of my daze the second I sank into the sofa in my trailer. "You sound really annoyed."

"Just got better things to do than this," I answered with a bit of a mumble. I tipped my head against the back of the sofa and punched the bridge of my nose as I sighed. "What the fuck have you done to me?"

Allegra let out a defiant laugh. "Me? What did I do?!"

"I used to love filming. It was basically like one giant, two month long party. Now all I want to do is come home to you."

"You're so whipped."

"Ya know," I began with a bit of a n annoyed laugh, "you're really fuckin' pushing it, lady."

"Am I though?" Allegra retorted. I could hear the smirk in her voice. And I wanted desperately to kiss it off her. "I mean, you basically admitted it."

"I admitted nothing. I'm delirious."

"Deliriously obsessed with me, maybe."

I went to make a snide comment in return but instead felt my phone vibrate against my skull. I pulled back to glance at the screen and immediately groaned. "Fucking perfect. Just what I need."

"What? What happened?"

"My mom's calling." I let out a very childish whine and stomped my feet. "I don't want to do this."

"You know you don't HAVE to talk to her, baby. You don't owe her access to your life after what she's done. It's okay to cut out the poison."

"I know that. But if I ignore her too long, she'll just end up popping up at the house and I don't need you dealing with that."

"That's fine. I got a couple things I'd like to say to her anyway."

"So feisty," I grinned as my phone continued buzzing. "Rawr."

"You love it."

"You know I fucking do," I chuckled. The incoming call stopped, just to immediately start vibrating against my ear again. "Okay. Fuck. I'll call you back after whatever nonsense she spills this time."

"Li, don't do it," Allegra said, her tone laced with concern. My mom had only called a handful of times since we'd been together, but I ended up pulled into a dark hole after every call. I got why she was trying to stop me from answering. "I don't like what it does to you when you give her your time. Every time you come back to me a little bit broken and I hate it."

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