Into the Fire: Liam

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I could feel my heartbeat in my fucking throat as I all but drug Allegra out of the club. There was a small part of me screaming at myself to stop. Screaming that taking this moment, this night, any further was the worst idea I had ever had. But that part of me was shrinking more and more with every second that ticked by.

I could feel Joey's eyes burning into me as I pushed through the crowd on the edge of the dance floor. I gulped down a lump in my throat, trying to ignore it, trying to pretend that it didn't bother me a little bit. But the fact of the matter was, it didn't bother me enough to stop.

The second I got Allegra out the door, I crowded her into a little alcove in the side the building. My chest was heaving, my breath already shallow and heavy. Allegra gazed up at me with wide eyes, pupils dilated engulfing almost her entire eyeball. It wasn't until this moment that I realized just how much bigger than her I was. Even in her four-inch heels, I towered over her, my forearm pressed to the wall beside her head. She was so small that she made me feel like a beast.

Ha. Beauty and the Beast.

"Tell me to stop," I commanded softly, leaning in until my nose nuzzled the side of her face. I could feel her shiver against me, her chest rising and falling just as quickly as my own. "Tell me you don't want this."

Her voice came out meekly, so softly I probably wouldn't have heard it if my face hadn't been directly beside hers. "I can't. I can't tell you that because I do, Liam. I want it so bad."

My last ounce of self control evaporated into thin air. I crushed my mouth against hers, no hesitation, no questioning. My hands gripped her hips, balling up the sequined fabric of her skirt as I plunged my tongue into her mouth. A little mewl escaped from the back of Allegra's throat and she froze, but only for a millisecond. She quickly gave back as hard as I gave. Her hand cupped the back of my neck, fingers weaving into the curls at the base of my skull as her tongue glided against mine, wet and velvet.

I don't know how long we kissed. It was a blur of rolling tongues and melded lips. I wanted her more with every beat that passed by. I never wanted this to end. Everything around us ceased to exist. All I saw, all I felt was this girl in front of me. And I wanted more. So fucking much more.

But I was soon ripped out of my passion fueled daze. A hand cupped over my shoulder and yanked me back. I only caught a brief glimpse of Joey's face before his fist smashed into my cheekbone.

"You mother fucker!"

"JOEY!" Allegra shrilly exclaimed.

"I fucking told you!" Joey shouted, ignoring his sister's pleas. He swung at me again, but I managed to dodge even though I could hardly see straight.

That fucker could hit. Damn.

"JOEY! STOP!" Allegra yelled, trying to tug her brother away as he kept firing blows in my direction. He didn't get another solid hit in, but he kept grazing me, knocking me off balance even with Allegra pulling on him.

"I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE HER ALONE!" Joey shouted. He finally realized he wasn't going to get another shot at smacking me and he stopped, but he was still screaming his fool head off.

"You are not the boss of me!" Allegra shrieked, giving his chest a hard enough shove that he stumbled backward. "You have no say in who or what I do!"

"He's a scumbag!"

"YOU INVITED MY EX!" Allegra screamed. "The only scumbag I see right now is YOU!"

Apparently that statement knocked Joey back. He blinked as if she'd just actually slapped him and lowered his gaze to her. "Al, I didn't..."

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