Its Time: Allegra, Five Months Later

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"You know, this is probably the last party we'll get to have before the baby arrives," Liam stated as he stood at the bathroom sink, toothbrush hanging out of the corner of his mouth.

"Mhmm," I mumbled as I rubbed a palm full of lotion onto my super round belly.

I was about to burst. And I wasn't just saying that. At our last appointment the week before, the doctor had stated that I could go into labor at any given moment, but this baby girl was not ready to budge. At this point I had been pregnant for forty weeks on the dot, and our little one was still refusing to vacate the premises. I'd tried everything at this point. Every old wive's tale, every trick I could find on google, everything. Little Lady was not budging and it was starting to work my very last nerve.

"You okay?"

Liam's question snapped me out of my lotion rubbing daze and I looked up to meet his carefully analyzing eyes. "What?" I said with a bit of a yelp. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

Liam's brows drew down over his eyes in a very questioning manner. "Are you sure? Are you having contractions?"

I scoffed. "I wish."

Liam let out an almost giddy giggle as he stepped away from his side of the dual sink and wrapped me in his arms (that mind you, he could no longer get all the way around me) his big hands settling on my domed belly. "She's not done baking yet," he said, his dark eyes sparkling as he pressed his lips against the slope of my shoulder. "She'll come when she's ready."

"What about when I'm ready?" I whined, turning so that I could face him, my belly pressed against his. "I'm tired of being a whale. I'm tired of not being able to walk around the block without stopping for a break. I'm tired of being tired even after I just wake up. I'm tired of not being able to actually hug you because I'm too friggen fat!"

"You're not fat," Liam countered, both of his hands now resting on the small of my back. "You're making our baby girl. You're perfect."

I gave him an unimpressed stare. "None of my clothes even fit anymore, Liam."

"So, we'll get you different clothes. Ain't no thang."

"OR, hear me out, your spawn could get the heck out of me."

"MY spawn?" Liam retorted with a crooked grin. "Pretty sure she's at least partially yours."

"She's definitely all you in the stubbornness department."

"Rude." Liam pressed his lips softly to mine, just as the chime of the doorbell rang through the house. "Sounds like our first guest is here!"

"Great," I mumbled, very not excitedly.

"Hey, it's your brother's birthday. You can't blame me for this one," Liam stated as he put his toothbrush away and preened himself a bit in the mirror before smoothing out his light blue linen shirt. "You okayed this, sugar tits."

"I regret everything."

Liam just laughed and smacked a kiss onto my cheek. "I'm going to go let you're brother and Sadie in. You take your time and I'll see you down there."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I muttered. "Get out of here."

"You're so sassy today," Liam fake grumbled. He placed a firm peck against my lips, his left hand weaving into my hair to hold my lips against his. "I like it."

I just rolled my eyes, unable to withhold the giggle fighting to burst it's way out of me. "You're so fucking weird. Go."

"Get your skimpiest bikini on and get your hot ass down there. You hear me?" Liam commanded as he began walking away.

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