Old Habits: Liam

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I let out a low growl as Trevor shouted her name again. "Stay here," I commanded, placing both my palms against the pool ledge, and hauling myself out of the water.

Allegra scrambled to cover herself. "Where are you going?"

"I'm getting him the fuck out of here."

"I'm coming with you."

I cocked my head, giving her an exasperated look. "You think him seeing you right now is going to make any of this better?" I motioned at her: topless, make-up smudge all over her face, soaked from head to toe, shorts no longer tied. "Something tells me it'll only make him angrier."

"You think going over there and getting in his face is going to make anything better?" Allegra fired back, climbing to her feet. She grabbed my dry T-shirt from the grass and pulled it over her body. The damn thing was longer than her shorts. "You're already down one eye. You want to lose another?"

"Not planning on it," I stated before heading toward the back gate.

I heard Allegra's frustrated squeal from behind me. "Why do guys think its cool to fight over women? Most of us just find it fucking immature."

I rolled my eyes, annoyed, and approached the back gate. I could see the top of Trevor's blond head just over the fencing. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Where is she?" his voice snarled back.

"None of your fucking business," I retorted. "How did you even get back here? It's gated."

"She gave me the code last week."

"Fucking great. Looks like I need to update my codes," I said with an annoyed groan. I scrubbed a hand over my face. "Get the fuck out of here, man. She doesn't want to talk to you."

"Maybe she should be the one telling me that."

"GET OUT OF HERE, TREVOR!" Allegra's voice shouted as she charged up behind me like some sort of angry pixie.


She was Tinkerbell when she got mad, except she could speak.

Quite loudly.

"No one fucking invited you!"

I spun to look at her, eyes wide. "Okay, firecracker. Relax. We don't need to wake the whole neighborhood."

"Allegra, can we please talk?" Trevor asked, his voice much less confrontational than before. "Don't just throw this away, baby. Please."

"There's nothing to talk about!" Allegra exclaimed. "I told you we were done, and we're done! So leave me the fuck alone!"

I grabbed hold of her hand and looked down at her with a bit of a fatherly glare. "Could you please stop screaming? I don't need the cops getting called."

Allegra winced a bit. "I'm sorry."

"So what? Almost four years just down the fucking drain?!" Trevor exclaimed, still mostly hidden by the black security gate. "You're just going to walk away?"

"I think I effectively did so last night, don't you?"

"Allegra, come on! You really think this schmuck is going to treat you any better?"

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "That hurts, Trev. I thought we were pals."

"Fuck off, Cohen."

"No, buddy, I think I'll leave that to you," I stated with a sigh. "You got about two seconds before I trip the alarm and security comes roaring up behind you so say what you wanna say."

Two WrongsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora