News: Liam

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I was fidgety. Doctors' offices had made me a little itchy for as long as I could remember, but considering why we were here, I was doing my best to ignore it. I wasn't the one about to be poked and prodded and slathered in goo after all. Still, one knee was bouncing as if it had a mind of its own.

"Will you stop?" Allegra asked with a giggle as she shifted around on the paper covered exam table. "You're making me nervous."

"Sorry... sorry," I mumbled, mentally straining to keep my leg from going nuts. "I hate the doctors."

"Tell me about it," Allegra said with a scoff.

"I know," I sighed. "I'm trying. I promise."

"Liam, you're fine," Allegra responded with a sweet smile. "I think we're both allowed to be a bit nervous." I watched as she wound her fingers together and knew I needed to get my shit in line. This was about her and our kiddo, not my weird phobias. The only thing she needed me for right now was support and as of this minute, I was doing a shit job of that.

"What're they gonna do today?" I asked, sliding my chair closer to the table, and prying her fingers apart until I was holding her hand. It still amazed me how small it felt in mine, and today it was cold and clammy. She really was nervous.

Allegra blew out a little puff of air that caused her bangs to dance off her forehead. "We're gonna see the baby, I think. Make sure everything is going okay. I don't know. I have a hard time remembering everything that rattle off to me sometimes."

"Do we get to find out if it's a boy or a girl?"

Allegra's eyes lifted to mine. "Do you want to?"

I lifted one shoulder into a shrug but smirked. "Kind of. Do you want to?"

Allegra's shoulders rose to her ears. "I don't know. I'm kinda terrified."

"Well, there's really only two options. It's not like its going to be a monster or something. I doubt you're giving birth to the Babadook," I teased, trying to lighten her mood as I nudged her with my shoulder.

"I know that, doof," Allegra smiled, rolling her eyes and nudging me back. "Do you think you want a boy or a girl?"

I shrugged again. Truth be told, I was hoping for a girl, but I knew I'd be happy either way. "Haven't really thought about it, honestly. Either or is good with me. You?"

"I don't know. Not like we actually get a choice."

Her eyes fell to our joined hands, but I could still see the nerves in them. I gave her hand a squeeze and got out of my chair, electing to join her on the table instead where I tugged her against my chest as the table creaked under my weight. "What's going on? You seem out of it today."

Allegra released a heavy sigh and snuggled against me. "I don't know. I'm just being weird."

"Come on, Pixie, spill," I prodded, brushing my lips against her forehead. I started rocking slowly back and forth, attempting to lull her into submission. "I know you better than that."

I could hear her swallow and felt her sag against me as she sighed again. "I wish my mom was here," she finally answered softly. "She should be a part of all of this and it's not fair. It's not fair that I have to do this alone."

My heart cracked a little as I heard her sniffle, and I tightened my arms around her even more. "You're not alone, baby, but you're right," I agreed, burying my nose against the top of her head. "It isn't fair... but she'd be so fucking proud of you, Legs. Both of your parents would. You're doing so good even though I know you're scared..."

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