Chapter One

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Reborn: The Boy Who Discovered He Wasn't (latest revision May 2018)

by SabrynaBrooklynne
Cover created by Cammibal.



James Conners was a rough and tumble boy and made no excuses for it. He received all the same lumps, bumps and bruises the other thrill-seeking twelve-year-old boys his age did on a dare. This wasn't his first visit to the hospital and his mom, Carol Conners, was pretty sure it wouldn't be the last.

Carol watched as James seemed to get some thrill from the nurse that was wrapping his ribs with an ace bandage. The bandage helped to ease the pain he was feeling. The spill he had taken on his bike had caused him more than just a slight amount of pain this time.

As Carol sat watching her son, she noticed how the ace bandage was tight and caused him to appear as if he had a quite small pair of budding breasts.

She knew it was just the bandage pushing up baby fat because if James had been a girl, she most likely wouldn't be missing work for a trip to the hospital right now.

Sure, a girl could wreck her bike much the same as a boy, but a girl wouldn't have taken a plunge down the steepest hill in town, on a dare. Never mind jumping a curb and plowing through a fence and landing in the neighbor's swimming pool.

When the nurse was done, James walked gingerly out to the car, grimacing at the pain his body was still in, while his mom talked to the doctor.

"I think he has more baby fat on his chest than the last time we saw him," Dr. Markus pointed out, once James was out of the room.

"I've noticed the same thing, which doesn't really make sense, cause as you can see he is actually losing some weight," Carol replied.

"He's still rather husky for a twelve-year-old," the doctor replied, looking at James' file.

"Eighteen pounds is a lot to lose for a boy his age," Carol replied. "I'm watching every bite he takes and making sure it's not junk food and the likes," she added.

"Well, if the breast tissue growth continues, bring him in and we will do a blood workup," the doctor advised with a slight smile.

On the ride home, Carol continued to think about the conversation she had just had with the doctor. Sitting at the red light she stole a quick glance at her son. There was no denying his nipples made barely perceptible little pinpoints in his favorite skater gear brand name tee-shirt, which was now torn and stained from the spill on his bike.

As they continued toward the house, James told his mom how much he liked the tight feel of the ace bandage. He remarked that it would have been like extra padding had he been wearing it when he took that spill on his bike.

Listening to James talk, a light went off in Carol's head, but then, just as quick, she dismissed the idea.

It wasn't until bedtime when James refused to take off the ace bandage, that the idea she had earlier took root.

There was something Carol had to find. She knew she had it somewhere and after looking in most every place she could think of, the cedar chest in the garage was the only place left to search.

She had to all but empty the cedar chest, before finally, there it was. The training corset she had worn when she was younger. She knew her son might balk at the soft material, but if he likes that tight feel of something wrapped around him, this just might work. She took the corset into the house and placed it in her bedroom.

Carol had saved a lot of her clothes and things from when she was younger. She had hoped to have a daughter of her own someday to pass some of it down to, but that wasn't going to happen now, not the way she saw it.

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