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Hello Two Face!

Your bunny friend is back.... Oh yeah I know that about Sero and I saw you there too cause the red shoes were mine... And the the two people you saw are burned nugget and Vamps. Not gonna give you some actual names tho. Just in case you see them again cause they decided to join a league of villains. 

Ohh that reminds me. Recently I saw Best Jeanist and he had messy hair and looked like a damn hobo. You won't believe it but once a month he just throws his look out the window with his brain and turns into this messy freak.

It scared me when I saw him the first time. Truly amazing how people can change this badly over night and just for a day each month. Kinda like a period phase. No it's screaming PERIOD at me. His mood swing is also something to watch out. What did you think why he wanishes for a day each month? Healing or Pedicures?


Anywas.... I might have planned to sneak into UA's support course soon.

I need some stuff cause your home room teacher just broke my new toy! Tho I got his scarf so he will be gurmpy tomorrow. Just a heads up.

Till next time, 

Your bunny with a nice new capture scarf.

P.s. I'll keep that one for sue! :)

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