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Dear Xaphan

Welp... Sports festival is this friday. Soo 5 days left.

I am writing from home currently since we have a break from school.

Y'know Ojiro. I went training with cause I owed him for something right...

He had arms everywhere. Literally bloody arms everywhere.

I get he was doing it for durability but DAMN!

Clean some of that shit up bro.

And then when I went to go out the door. He had some sort of fucked of arm mistletoe!

I don't know what mad banquets of darkness I have stumbled into here at UA!

He said If you walk under it you have to cut your arm.

Yeah honestly FUCK THAT!

I just broke the damn wall and yeeted out of the third story window.

Luckily I was able to teleport before he saw me.

Sorry about his wall though!

Also... Since I only have five days left. You think we could meet sometime?

I haven't seen you in a month and I was hoping you could help me train?

If not it totally fine, tho I have tea and cookies slight_smile

Your two faced buddies in one body, Otoyami and DankShadank

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