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Dear Xaphan

This is Toko.

Why can't I be a vigilante like you? Doesn't everything get messy sometimes?

I already have most of the things needed anyway, no help from my snitching counterpart.

And yes I know you saw me getting those knives. I am not dumb and know when I have eyes on me.


Well. Yesterday we had a party at momo's house—bad idea.

We had Jiro as the DJ, right? She played the music so loud that some windows broke. I am about 90% sure I lost some hearing as well.

And after that Jiro decided to play some music through her own speakers! EVEN WORSE!

We all had to literally get soundproof headphones from momo and still heard it as loud as before.

We had to call Aizawa just to stop the damn cacophony

That is all for today.

I left you some tea on the table.

Otoyami and Dank shadank.

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