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Dear Xaphan

What the fuck is wrong with all of the freaking UA students and families???

I've just heard that the entire student body is crazy. Like I thought it was just MY class.

Hell Nah. There is this other class and they are just as crazy.

They tried to Defenestrate me! Just to see if i could fly! The FUCK!?

I mean I can but damn.

Anyways that's just a little bit of tea.

Here is the real tea

I went over to Asui's house to study for a test again. And I thought Aizawa was trying to kill us, not Mic.

Well... Asui Aint okay either.

She has a pot of boiled flies.

Like... Actual house flies.

And other bugs.

SHe eats them like chips...

I don't understand.

Even though I am a bird and regular birds eat bugs, even I wouldn't do that.

I might be a damn bird but not that much of a bird!

Switched up the tea. The actual tea.

Its like a mixture of tea and some of RG's gummies.

No she didn't kill me but tried to smack the shit out of me.

Luckily I teleported away, will have to explain that though... damn.

Your friends,
Otoyami and Dank SHadank.

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