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  • Dedicated to All the people who stuck with me through out this story♥

~ After Death World ~

Prince's POV

It's been 2 years now. Nathan is running around our house chasing after his grandpa, Sam's dad. Nathan's too young to understand where his mother is but I know when the time comes, he'll be able to meet his mother. 

I continue to watch over Sam every single day. I'm happy that she stored some happiness in her life by adopting a baby boy. She named him Tyler Jacob Perez. Still being her stubborn self, she stuck to her promise and never looked at any other man. She still claimed me as her's and I was glad because she forever will be mine. 

I watched her sitting in my living room next to my mom. She and Vanny had moved there from their apartment to be closer to me and to keep my mom company. My mom held Tyler in her arms and was playing around with him as he was smiling and giggling. I looked around and saw rest of my family sitting around the living room- Vanny, Roc, Kylie, Erika, Jade, Prod, and Ray. I looked back at Sam, as she was fiddling around with my engagement ring on her finger. She was smiling and I knew she was thinking about me. 

She glanced over at the door and I knew she was hoping that I'd just bust through the door. It saddened me that I couldn't be with her but I did what I knew would reassure her that I still am with her and it probably was never attempted before. But I was going to leave, it was my gut instinct, and the right thing to do, even though it would be bending all the rules of life or to be more precise, death.

I said my goodbyes to Sam's family and I told Nathan I'd be back and to be a good boy while I would be gone.

 ~ Earth ~

 "Hey Sam." 

Sam's eyes went wide. I hadn't spoken to her since my funeral, I knew she needed to move on before I could present myself to her. She turned to her right, where I was sitting right next to her on the couch. Her eyes were filled with joy and hope. She raised her hand and cupped my cheek, making sure it was me. She closed her eyes and brushed her fingers over my eyes, nose, and lips. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled.

"Hey Prince."

Everybody in the room snapped their heads to my direction and their jaws dropped. 

"Let's just say, even death couldn't keep us apart." I announced and embraced Sam. 

"Dude it's all good to have you back, but aren't you suppose to be dead?" Roc asked, rubbing his temples.

Ah, same old Roc. 

"Long story bro." 


I can't believe I just finished my second story on wattpad. Yet again, I had an amazing time writing this story for you guys and I'm so glad you guys liked it. The end might be just a little confusing but the main part was that Prince came back to the real world. How? Even I don't know. It's just a story and anything can happen in stories..(Wink) I hate sad endings especially ones with death and no way was I about to leave it at one so I had to bring Prince back to Sam's life. 

*Because everyone keeps asking me if Prince is alive again or not, even though I mentioned he is above, I'll just say it a second time. PRINCE IS ALIVE AGAIN!

There WILL NOT BE a sequel. Sorry guys.

GO CHECK OUT my newest story: My Ordinary Misfit


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