Brother's help needed

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Sam's POV


I rolled over, and turned off my alarm. I sat up in my bed and stretched. I looked outside and it was another beautiful day. It was 8 AM and the sun was blazing outside. There were few people at the park, outside my window. Birds were chirping, how I loved waking up to that sound. 

I got up and did my daily morning routine. I walked over to my brother's room and he was still sleeping, layed all over his bed. 

I went downstaires and opened up the blinds so the light could shine through. I decided to make pancakes, our favorite breakfast. Before, our dad would make us the most delicious pancakes, and thankfully I learned how to cook the same delicious pancakes. 

Once I had made the first pancake, I heard my brother scurring around upstairs. He came running downstairs. 

"GOOD MORNING!," he shouted grabbing a seat on the table.

"Good morning," I replied back. 

"So you got any plans today?," I asked as he took his first bite of the pancake. 

"Yeah, me, Junior, and Albert are gonna go to the X-Games," he said.

"Oh that sounds fun. Tell them I said hi." I grabbed my plate and started eating. 

"Aight. So where did you go yesterday?," he asked. 

"I went to go hang with my friends. We went to the movies and then ate at a restaurant."

"Aight. So you been hanging with MB a lot?," he asked. He knows a lot of MB, since I used to talk about them daily to him when we were younger.

"Yeah." I started telling him about how the girls were going out with the boys and everything about the whole Princeton thing. 1 reason why I love my brother is he always is there to listen.  

"So do you really love him? I know how much you loved him when we were younger, but since now you actually know him, do you love him?," he asked.

"Yeah I still do," I sighed. 

"Then why are you pushing him away? Sam you deserve this. You need to stop thinking about the past. The past, the past is gone. It's been 3 years and you need to move on. David was a douche. We both know he only wanted you for sex and you were smart enough to break it off with him. Nothing's going to happen to Princeton. I know your worried about losing him, how we lost mom, dad, and Navy. But nothing's going to happen to him. You seriously need to start living again. Just imagine how happy your going to be. Remember when we were little, you would always kiss his poster, and now you can actually kiss him. Like lip on lip action, sis."

We both started laughing. He always knew how to light up a mood. 

"I know. I think I need to tell him everything that happened. He deserves to know," I said. 

"Yup," he replied popping the 'p.' "And plus, I kinda want some nieces/nephews running round here," he added. 

I laughed. "I love you bro," I said as I punched him in his arm. 

"Love you too," he replied punching me back. 

He got up and went to go take a shower and get ready. I cleaned up and washed the dishes. Once Vanny was done, I went and took a shower. I put on high waisted shorts, a Beatles crop top, and combat boots. I curled my hair and threw on some accesories. 

I walked to the park and sat on the bench. I took out my phone and went to my contact list, I scrolled down to Princeton. I got his number yesterday. I was a touch away from calling him. But I hesistated. I can't. I can't do it. 


I looked back down and I was getting a call by Princeton. I was happier than Quagmire from Family Guy getting laid. 

"Hello?," I said through the phone.

"Hey, I need to talk to you. Where you at?," Princeton asked. He seemed eager.

"Okay. I'm at the park by my house," I replied. 

"Okay, I'll be there in 10," he replied.

"Okay," I said as I hug up.


For the past 10 minutes, I was planning on what I was going to say. I've never felt more nervous in my whole life. I think I was sweating, thats how nervous I was.

So Princeton how should I tell you that I lied last time about liking you cause I really did like you, but I just couldn't tell you I like you but now I can. I was so FRUSTRATED! UGGGGHH! HOLY SHIT I SEE HIS CAR!!!!!  

I quickly fixed myself and watched him get out of the car. I swear he is the most SEXIEST boy alive. He had on some jeans, jordans, and his Nirvana sweatshirt, and he had on his shades so I coudn't tell where he was looking so I just turned my head away.

"Hey Princeton," I said as I got up. I was going for a hug but I guess he had something else planned. 

He kissed me. At first I didn't kiss back, but I couldn't resist. I started kissing him back. I forgot about everything. All my worries and problems I dealt with. His lips. AKHSFHJNF! Let's just say he was an AMAZING kisser. After like 30 seconds, he pulled back.

"Tell me you didn't feel anything in that kiss, and I'll leave you alone," Princeton said. 

"Princeton?," I asked as he removed his shades, damn his eyes. 

"Yeah?," he asked. 

"I love you," I said as I started smiling and his jaw dropped.

I was kinda expecting that reaction. 


FINALLY!! LOL! The deets will be in the next chapter! Hope you girls enjoyed this one. &&&&&&& MB got their own group Instagram, if you girls didn't know its @mindlessbhavior. Peace and Love ♥♥

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