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Sam's POV

"Hey it's Kylie. I'm probably busy right now so please just leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Leave your message after the beep. Beep." 

"I need you to meet me at the park at 7. Please come, it's important and bring Roc too," I said into the voice mail and hung up. I looked at the time and it was 6: 20. The sun would set in a hour and half. I stepped outside. It was a bit chilly outside. I buried my hands in my hoodie's front pocket. I walked down to the park and sat on the bench.

I sat there. Thinking about absolute nothing. There was nothing to think about. I heard leaves being scrunched by weight and I knew Kylie and Roc were here. I wasn't going to hesitate. I got up and approached them.

"Kylie don't say anything, you too Roc. I need you guys to listen."

Kylie nodded. Roc looked extremely sad and full of guilt. I'm going to do everything to save their relationship if it means sacrificing mine's and Kylie's.

"Okay Kylie for everything I have done I please sincerely hope you forgive me but if you don't, I'll understand. I kissed Roc. Please don't get mad at Roc. It was all me. I'm not going to say it was in the moment cause that's just stupid but it happened for me being mad, sad, jealous, jealous of your relationship with Roc. I wish I could take it back. But I can't. That's why I'm apologizing. I didn't mean for this to happen. I hate myself for it. You know I would never hurt you like this on purpose. Just know your one of the very few important people in my life. I don't know how our future is going to be but I'll always love you."

I looked at my best fri---, sister's face. She had tears running down her face. I felt my cheek turn red and burn. I deserved that slap, I deserved everything.

"I HATE YOU," she screamed as she took off running to Roc's car. I turned back to Roc. 

"I think you should go," I said.

"Thanks Sam. You two are going to work this out. I'm going to be there the whole way." Roc gave me a brotherly hug and did it feel so good; it put a smile on my face, which didn't appear for the longest. He let go and ran after Kylie. I sighed and sat back on the bench. I felt tears drop but I wiped them away.


I turned around and saw the person I least wanted to see. Princeton. I glared at him and turned back around. He came around and sat next to me. 

"Sam I just need you to listen. The day we became official, I came home and Chrissy was there. I'm not going to lie. I was really horny after our session and Chrissy was too. All I could do was think about making love to you. Not Chrissy. Yeah me and Chrissy ended up doing it but it was just sex and that's what it will always be. There are no feeling behind it. Even Chrissy doesn't like like me. She just wants me for my name and sex. I'm sorry."

"I hate that I love you so much. You don't know how hard it is. Because of you I mostly lost my best friend and destroyed a relationship between two of the people I most cared about. Because of you Princeton." I stopped and turned, facing him, eye to eye. "All because of you."

I got up and began walking back to my apartment. I heard Princeton following then stop.

"If you don't forgive me, I'll understand."

I stopped in my tracks. Everything starting coming at me. I was asking someone to forgive me for my mistake. Now here's someone asking me to forgive them for their mistake. Mistakes are always made. The only difference in a mistake is if you actually learn something from it. I confessed. Prince confessed. We both are asking for the same thing. 

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