You on some stalking shit

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Sam's POV

I was relieved once the last bell rang. I went to my locker to put my books away. After I closed it, I waited on Kylie. We always met up here but she wasn't here yet. It wasn't usual for Kylie, she was always on time. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and it was Kylie.

Roc's giving me a ride home. Eeeek! Sorry for not telling you earlier. Message you the deets later. MWAH! 

How can she trust a guy so fast? And someone like Roc? Don't they get around a whole lot? Kylie be smart, I hoped.

I made my way to the parking lot.

Fuck. My. Life.

Chrissy's car was right next to mine, and she had Prince pinned up against it. From what it looked like, two wild animals were chewing each other's faces off. Worst part was that they were blocking me from my door.

"Uhmm. MOVE," I shouted. Princeton looked up to me and smirked and moved himself and Chrissy.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he smirked. "Yo babe what's her name?," he asked Chrissy.

"Samantha," she replied.

"It's SAM, you dumb bitch," I started my car and rode out with Chrissy giving me the middle finger and Princeton just watching. 

Once I got home, I made myself some lunch and then threw myself on the couch and watched some random movie that was on. I spent my usual days, alone, with Vanny or one of the girls, or at the dance studio down 3 blocks. 

I turned the tv off. I walked to my balcony which showed a gorgeous view of the park outside. I sat down in my chair, and rested my feet on the railing. I watched the little kids,

I used to be a little kid,

playing with their family

I used to have family.

I felt a tear escape my eye. 

"Sam?." I knew that voice. It was Vanny's. I quciky wiped my tear. I never cried infront of him after the incident, I had to be strong, just for him. 

"Hey, you back already,? I asked turning around.

"I just came to get my ball, me and Junior are gonna go shot some hoops?," he said more toward a question.

 "Yea sure, just be home by 7: 30," I replied.

Once I heard the door shut, I went to go get dressed. I had work. I got dressed in my pink mini skirt, high white socks, my pink jordans, and a black tee. I retouched my makeup and wrapped my hair in a messy bun. 

I always came early to work. Yeah I was a goody good. I worked at Pizza Palace, one of the most best Pizza restaurants in California. 

"Hey," I said as Kylie made her way through the door. Me and her worked the night shift from 6-9 PM Monday-Thursday. 

"Hey. More busy than usual."

"Yup," I said popping the p. Our jobs were to get the menu and bring the food so technically like waiters.

I walked over to my first customer which was a family of five- 3 kids, and their parents. Just like how my family was.................before.

"Hello, I'm Sam, are you ready to order?," I politily asked, smiling at each of the kids.

"Hello yes, can we get a medium pepperoni pizza and 5 drinks." the father replied.

"Is that it," I asked as I wrote down their order.

Swore I Wouldn't Love (A Mindless Behavior Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now