Heading down south

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Prince's POV

The next morning at school, me and the boys were waiting in front of the school, for the girls to arrive. 

"Man you know this is gonna hurt her," Prod said.

"I know but I have to tell her. It's been eating me out alive since she asked me," I replied.

"Well get prepared to have your shit chopped off cause here they come," Ray said pointing to the girls as they got out of Sam's car.

"Hey," the boys and I said in unison.

"Hey." We pulled each of our girls in hugs. Sam gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

"I have to talk to you," I said.


"Alone." She understood and grabbed my hand and led me to the top of the school, her private place.

"You know I love you right?," I asked. looking straight at her.

"I guess," she replied, not looking at me.

"You wanna know why Chrissy was at my place?," I asked.


"Don't get mad. Me and Chrissy sort of hooked up, but me and you weren't together yet," I said.

"Oh." I tried to get a hint of her facial expression but she still was looking down. I walked up to her and brought her chin up with my thumb. I looked into her incredible deep brown eyes. 

"Please don't be mad. I love you. Not her."

"I'm not mad, just a little sad, but not mad," she reassured me. 

I smiled making her smile. She drew closer to me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she did to my neck, pulling each other closer. It was the most passionate kiss we ever had but it was one retrieved by lies. If Sam only knew the truth that I couldn't imagine to hurt her with.

Roc's POV

I was chilling with the guys and girls when I saw Sam and Prince walk back hand in hand. I knew Prince wasn't going to be able to tell her. It kind of pissed me off. Sam was like my little sister. I knew she was going to have her heart broken soon and by the one person she loved the most. 

I looked at Princeton and gave him a pity look. He looked miserable as he looked down to his and Sam's hands interlocked. The girls walked over to Sam and Prince slowly walked up to us. I folded my arms.

"You didn't tell her?," I asked.

"I couldn't. I know what she's been through and I can't bare the fact if she barely fixed to be torn back into pieces because of my stupid ignorant mistakes," he replied.

"Don't beat yourself Prince. Everyone makes mistakes but its your choice to either run away from it or face it," Prod said.

"I know. I'm gonna tell her today. After school."

Sam's POV

I had excused myself from 4th period to go use the bathroom. I had to pee really badly. I'd been holding it since this morning. As I made my way to the girl's bathroom, before turning the corner I heard talking. I usually never snoop, it's not me, but these voices I recognized. 

"I'm going to tell her today. I can't be cheating on her like this." It was a boy's voice also known as Prince's. Then I heard a girl laugh. 

"So when her ass dumps you, you know I can still come over and stuff."

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