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Prince's POV

"COME ON BABY YOU CAN DO THIS! COME ON! JUST PUSH YOURSELF HARDER! YOU GOT THIS BABE! LET'S GO!" I yelled, trying to motivate Sam. But you know how pregnant woman can get.

"THAT'S IT! I'M DONE!" Sam yelled back as she let go of the shoe lace and soothed down on the couch. 

"You were so close babe." I reached down and tied her shoe laces.

"That was exhausting. Nathan's too big. I can only imagine the labor now," she sighed as I sat next to her. 

"You'll be alright." I kissed her on the cheek. 

"I don't want you to leave." Sam turned to me tracing down my face with her finger. 

"I don't either."

 "When are they going to come pick you up?"

"In like 10 minutes."

Sam sighed, bowing her head. I brought her chin up with my thumb. "Don't be sad baby, trust me it'll feel like only a week." She nodded, cracking a little smile. I smiled and kissed her. We kissed the whole time, until I heard the door bell ring. Sam went to open the door while I got my suitcases. 

"Hey boys," Sam said hugging, Ray, Roc, and Prod.

"How's the little man doing?" Prod asked, gently touching my 7 1/2 month over sized stomach.

"Great. I just can't wait to pop the little sucker out." 

"Eww. I just pictured that," Ray said, and then had Sam punch his arm. "OW Sam. When could you hit this hard?," Ray asked, rubbing his arm.

"Since always. You just never came around to me hitting you." Sam laughed.

Roc helped get the suitcases into the truck and then all the boys got in the car after saying bye to Sam. I made my way back to Sam, who was perched by the door. 

I pulled her in a hug and kissed her forehead. "I'm going to miss you. You better lock the door every night alright. I can't have anything happen to you or little man." Sam smiled. "I promise." I kissed her on the lips, and then kissed little man. "I love you." I kissed Sam one final time and made my way to the truck. Before getting in, I waved to Sam and she blew me a kiss. 

Sam's POV

Once they were out of my view, I went back inside my house. I was still in my pjs since it was only 7 AM. I decided to go on twitter, it had been a while since I've been on there. I had over 1000 mentions, I literally read like 500 at least. Some of them were nice, funny, and some were just straight up fucked up- but I don't pay any attention to them. 

@Samton When's the baby coming?

@Samton I just can't wait to see the baby.

@Samton What's the name going to be Sam?

 I got at least 200 hundred more tweets about the name. I decided to let them know. I can't hold secrets too long. Well secrets of me. 

I know you guys have been patiently waiting for the name. (Drum roll please) Nathan Xavier Perez ♥ 2 1/2 more months. 


Princeton's POV

"Roc pass me the MNM's," I said pointing to them. He threw them to me, but being my clumsy self I missed them. I picked them up and opened them. I threw couple in my mouth as I was reading a magazine, waiting at the airport for our flight. We were going to New York. Its still my home away from home, but Sam made it pretty clear she's going to live in California forever, and  what am I without her? 

"Yo Prince, Sam just spilled the beans of the name," Ray Ray said. 


"Yeah go on her twitter." Automatically I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and went on twitter. I went on her page and read her latest tweets.

Starving! Gonna go eat now. 

Aww! I love that you guys love the name & actually Prince picked out the name Nathan.

I know you guys have been patiently waiting for the name. (Drum roll please) Nathan Xavier Perez ♥ 2 1/2 more months. 

 I decided to tweet to the fans too.

If ya'll haven't already heard, the name is Nathan Xavier Perez. -Prince 


I slouched back in my chair. "Man I already miss her. I didn't know it would be this hard. 

"It'll go by fast. It's just the first two days your really gonna have time to miss her because after that it's back to back concerts," Prod said.

I sighed. They don't understand how it feels to leave your pregnant girlfriend. 

"KEISHA!" Roc yelled, running up to Keisha. Gosh it's been so long since we've seen her. Looking at her brought back some really nice memories.

"WALTER!" I ran and gave Walter a bear hug, picking him off his feet. I had growth spert, thanks puberty. 

"Man haven't seen you boys in like what 2 months?" Walter said, hugging Prod.

"Well 2 1/2," I said. Walter shook his head and laughed. "Same old Prince."

I went over to Keisha who had tears strolling down her cheeks."Keisha, I missed you so much," I said hugging Keisha, my second mom. 

"I missed you guys too. You guys have grown so much. How's Sam and the baby doing?" 

"Their both fine, can you believe 2 1/2 more....."

"Months till you'll be a dad." Keisha finished. "Your turning into a man already." Keisha gave me a kiss on my forehead. "But you all," she started, looking at all of us. "Will always remain my little boys," she finished. I looked at Prod, Ray, Roc, and Walter and they all were teary eyed. I felt a tear escape my eye. Keisha and Walter pulled us into a group hug.

It was good to be back.  



This chapter got my kind of in the sad mood. I can't imagine the boys being 18, 24, or 36. I'm always going to think of them as those teenage boys who I fell in love with. I'M going to stop now, don't want to be thinking about it too much. ANY WHO, I hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter. I know I'm updating very very very very less. But I'm trying my best. I freaking can't wait till MB's 2nd album All Around The World and their movie BAD BEHAVIOR come out! EEEEEKKKKKK :P Peace and Love ♥♥

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