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Sam's POV 

"Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me, don't cha!" I sang, in the shower rinsing out the conditioner in my hair. I woke up bright and early today at 6. I have an appointment at 8, it's my last ultrasound. This is the first time I'm going without Prince, but Kylie offered to go in his place. 


"Kylie come out, I'm here."

"Be there in a minute." I was parked in front of Kylie's house, blasting MB's music. I had their old track "Keep Her On The Low" on and was jamming to it, preggo style

"OH DAMN! Momma you go. Shake em double D's!" Kylie said, getting into the car. 

"Aye I'm 9 months and I still can get it on." 

"Poor Nathan. He's probably like what kind of earthquake is this!!" 

We both burst out laughing and kept joking all the way until we made it to the doctors. After signing in, we both sat down in the waiting room. 


"Hey Joanne!" I said, embracing my nurse.

"Jacob didn't come today?" she asked, looking at Kylie.  

"No, he's touring now but I brought my friend. Joanne, Kylie. Kylie, Joanne, my nurse. They both greeted each other and we made our way to the ultrasound room. 


"Well Sam, once again, Nathan seems do be doing just as fine, as are you. Your delivery should be within the last week of July. Approximately on July 23rd. Any questions?"

"Nope, that was all I wanted to know. Thank you Joanne."



"Sweet momma, one more month left until I'm an auntie!" 

"Dang Kylie, I think you seem more excited than me!"

"I am that excited, my best friend is going to have her first baby in a month, how can I not be overly thrilled?"

"Got a point." Kylie nodded. "But when will I become an aunt?" 

"Me and Roc are taking it slow. I'm not ready to take on that responsibility and I know he's not either. Plus once you have Nathan, one baby is enough for the while."

"Alright but don't make it too long. I want Nathan to have a cousin around his age."

"Fine! I'll see!" 

"Yaaay! Speaking of babies, you wanna call up the boys?" Kylie nodded fast, cheesing crazy too.  

I got up off my bed, and brought my laptop from my desk. "Text Roc to get on Skype." 

"They said in 5 minutes they'll be on." In those 5 minutes, me and Kylie went crazy taking pictures. We were posing for our 113th picture until we heard the incoming call on Skype. "Their on!" I squealed, accepting their call. 

"Quick! How do I look?" Kylie asked.

"Great! How do I look?" 

"Like SHREK!" I turned my face toward the screen to see Roc.

I glared at him. "Well you look like...."

"Like what?" Roc asked tempting me. 


"Dang Sam, you didn't have to take it there. I was just kidding with ya. You look pregnant. VERY pregnant."

"No chiz Einstein."

"Man why does everyone think I'm dumb?" 

"Cause you are son."

"HEY! I am not." 

"See only a dumb person argues that they aren't dumb when they are exactly that dumb."

Roc looked at me like a lost puppy. "My point exactly. Case dismissed!" He folded his arms. "You're so mean."

"I just know how to prove my argument right." 

"Sam get off my baby's back." Kylie said moving the laptop closer to her. "Alright, alright. Roc ya know I'm just messing with ya. You're the smartest little knucklehead I know. I just want to squeeze your little cheeks." 

"WOW! What's wrong with her?" Roc asked Kylie.

"She's a pregnant momma, they do that." 

"Ahh. But how's my momma doing?" 

"She's doing just fine but she misses her boyfriend." 

"Really? Cause her boyfriend's missing her too, a whole lot"

"You miss me a lot?" 

"Sure do." Roc replied, blowing her a kiss.

"Hey Kylie!" 

That voice. Always sending butterflies down my stomach. 

"What up son?"

"Ha! Just got done with rehearsal. How about you?"

"Well, Sam and I have some good news."

"Really, what?"

"Sam will tell ya." Kylie moved the laptop back to my side.

"Hey Sam!"

I don't know why but I was strangely feeling nervous, like I was talking to Prince for the first time.  But I moved that strange feeling to the side, I was happy to see Prince.

"Hey! Guess what?"

"What?" He asked sitting up on the bed.

"We got the due date. It's exactly a month from today, July 23rd." 

"Wait, on my birthday?" Roc asked, smiling wide.


"Sweet! Who knows he might just get my good looks because we all know that he's only lucky if he looks like you Sam." 

"Aye man. I ain't that bad looking, right?" Prince asked. 

"Of course not, Prince you one smoking daddy." I said, and we all resulted in laughing. 

"Any who," Kylie started. "Nathan and Sam are doing just fine and if it stays that way, Sam is going to have a great natural delivery."

"That's awesome. Can't believe it, one more month, till I'm a dad." Prince said smiling honorly. 

 Yeah Prince. One more month, till we're a family. 


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This is a short & funny chapter I whipped up just because so, so, so many of you have been patiently waiting for me to update and I couldn't leave ya'll hanging for too long. Also I would like to thank all of you because this story reached 100,000 reads and I couldn't be happier. I'm still not back into writing my normal chapters because I still have some personal issues to resolve. Hope you enjoyed! Peace and Love ♥♥ 

♦ GO READ MY NEWEST STORY: My Ordinary Misfit 

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