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 Sam's POV

I was having one of those restless nights. When you try so hard to go to sleep, think of every thought, and still not be able to close your eyes for thirty seconds. It sucked! I looked over my belly, gosh it was HUGE! I was officially 9 months and Nathan's due date is next week and Prince is going to be coming home in three days. I was so ready to just have Nathan with me in my arms. I turned to my side and looked at my alarm clock on my night stand.

1:16 AM.

 For the next thirty minutes or so I just shuffled around in my bed not finding a comfortable position. Why was this happening to me tonight? I had such a good day earlier. I was drawn out of my thoughts when I felt an excruciating pain from my lower abdomen. It was the same pain I got sometimes when I was on my period except this was a million types more sharp and scary. I felt dampness underneath my thighs causing me to quickly flip the sheets off me. I pushed my self up and reached down and it was wet. I reached over for the light and turned it on. I looked back and saw my shorts and sheets covered in blood. I freaked and cried out for Vanny. 

"Sam what's wron......oh no! You're bleeding!" Vanny gasped, as he ran over to my side.

"Call Kylie now," I yell as the pain just kept getting worse and worse. He nodded and ran out the room to get his phone.

I attempted to get out of bed but the second I was able to stand on my two feet, I fell down, stomach first. My only thought was Nathan. Please let him be alright. I rolled over to my back side and blood was just rushing out with no stop. The pain kept getting worse. It felt like my bones were being crushed, again, and again.

"VANNY," I cried. "HELP!"

I heard Vanny running back to my room. "Sam. Sam. Sam don't close your eyes. Stay with me." I heard Vanny's voice fading away, my vision was blurring, and before I could say anything, darkness fell over my eyes.


I opened my eyes, after what felt like years. I winced, shutting my eyes again, from the bright light shining above me. I slowly opened them again, adjusting to the light. By instinct I knew I was somewhere else, not in my room where I remembered being last. I looked around, it was an all white room.   I was wearing a hospital gown? I don't remember being in a hospital. There were so many monitors inside. I was hooked to an IV and bunch of other stuff that I couldn't explain. I felt different but I couldn't identify how. I looked at my body and it still looked the same except for the fact my stomach it wasn't big. It was flat. 


I clenched my stomach, I didn't feel Nathan in me. I looked around the room for a crib, hoping to see one. Unfortunately there weren't any. I was scared, where is everybody, where's Prince, where's Nathan? Recalling all hospital beds to have an emergency button, I turned to my right and there it was a big red round button. I pressed it and hoping somebody would come. 

In matter of seconds, I heard a door opening outside of my room and faint talking between two unfamiliar voices. The first sight I saw was of a old bald man's and a young woman's. When they saw me looking at them puzzled they sent me perfect smiles, but I was feeling the least bit of perfect right now. I needed answers. now.

 They made their way inside my room and sat on chairs, either side of me.

The old bald man, or I'm assuming the doctor, was the first to speak. "We are so glad you awoke Ms. Gill. We were getting a little worried."

I ignored him. "Where's my baby?"

The doctor's smile faded, making my stomach turn. "Where's my baby?" I repeated angerly. 

"I'm sorry to inform you this but your baby didn't make it. Your baby was a stillborn." 

"No! No! No!" I screamed pounding my fists on the bed. "You're joking right? Please tell me your joking." I felt tears building up. My baby couldn't be dead. I looked at the doctor for any amusement that he was lieing but he kept a straight, sorrowful face. "Please?" I whispered. He nodded. I couldn't hold my tears back, I let them go as they busted out. I let it all out, and kept bawling. No mother deserves to have her child ripped away from her, before even seeing it. Nobody know's how it feels to lose your first child. I felt my heart break and shatter. I needed only one person. Prince.

"Where's Prince?" I asked turning to the doctor.

"Who?" The doctor asked me.

"My boyfriend! The father of my dead child!" I screamed.

"He....he," the doctor was choking on his own words. Before I could question him, Kylie rushed through the room and pulled me into a hug. 

"Sam. Oh my gosh, I thought I lost you too. Sam, I love you so much. I'm so glad you're alright." Kylie cried as she still kept me in her arms. 

"I'm okay Kylie, where's Prince?" 

She let go off me, and I got the chance to study her face. Her eyes were red, puffy, and she looked like she hadn't slept in days. Her hair was a mess and she was in her pajamas. She looked at me, with grieve. Why was everyone giving me that look? I looked behind her to see Vanny, Roc, Prod, Ray, Prince's mom, Jade, & Erika all standing there, looking the same way Kylie was- stressed and mournful.  

"Where's Prince?" I demanded again. Nobody spoke. I could see tears forming in each and everyone's eyes. Why wouldn't they tell me where he was? "WHERE IS PRINCE?" I screamed. "WHY ISN'T ANYONE TELLING ME?" I looked at all their faces but none of them made eye contact with me. "Kylie?" I asked. 

She looked up at me sadly, almost ready to break into tears. "Please tell me where Prince is. Please." She looked at me and opened her mouth. My stomach tightened, I was finally going to get my answer.

"Sam, Prince is died."

 I held my breath, unable to breathe. I did what nobody expected me to do.

I laughed.

"Good one Kylie. Now where is he?"



Please don't hate me guys. Check out my new story! Peace and Love ♥♥

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