My Jacob ♥

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Sam's POV 

My laughter soon faded when I realized no one was laughing. I saw a tear roll down Roc's face. I looked directly at Kylie who was shaking her head, left and right. 

"Sam I'm not lieing."

 My heart beat started to beat fast. I could feel it hammering in me and it was scary. I just lost my baby and now Prince. This was surreal. No! My mind's just fucking up. Prince should be walking through that door soon. I need to see his face. I want to see his face. I want to see those curls springing out of his head, those beautiful eyes of his, that smile. That smile that nothing else compares to. I want to listen to one of his cheesy jokes. I want to hear his voice call out my name and tell me how much he loves me. 

I just, I just want my Princeton. 

"Kylie please tell me you're lieing. Please? How could he die?" 

"I think we should all leave and give these two time alone." I looked at the doctor who had risen from his chair and ushered for the nurse to follow him. Soon everyone except Kylie had quietly exited the room. Kylie sat on the chair that the doctor was in moments earlier. She held my hand and lowered her head looking down. 

"Kylie. Please tell me everything." I said. "I need to know."

She nodded and looked up. Tears where rushing down her face and I felt her squeeze my hand. 

"Sam you passed out before we even got to the hospital. As soon as you got there you were admitted in the ER. The first thing I did was call Princeton and tell him the news. He was excited to hear that but when I told him your condition he freaked. Him and Roc got the first flight to come here since there were only two seats available. It took them 3 hours to get here. When they did, Prince lost it. The doctors had surgically taken out Nathan and he was pronounced dead. He died when you fell earlier. It was really heavy impact on Nathan's head. You still hadn't waken up and your heart rate lowered to a dangerous number. The doctors were almost convinced you weren't going to make it either. After hearing that, Prince ran. No one knew where he went. Ray was the last person to see him run through the front doors and jump in his rental car. He chased him but lost him. We called Prince but he didn't pick up. The boys went searching every where they thought he could of went. An hour later still no sign of him."

Kylie stopped. My mind was finally trying to make sense of everything. "Then? Kylie what happened?"

"Roc got a call. A call from the police. They found him. They found him dead. He got into a car accident with a big truck which was full of drunk teenagers. His car was small and the truck did a lot of damage to it, including Prince. The teenagers called the police and told them what happened. Prince was rushed to this hospital and he was losing a lot of blood. He fractured both his legs, and his left arm. He had deep cuts and bruises everywhere. The worst part was that when the truck hit him, his head hit the dashboard, causing him a concussion. After an hour of trying to relieve him, the doctors told us he didn't make it."

Realization struck me. Prince was dead. I felt the tears coming. No! No! No!  My heart beat increased and tears were rolling down my cheeks. 

"NO!" I screamed and Kylie pulled me into a hug. "Kylie why does this have to happen to me? First my parents, and now Nathan and Prince. After I finally patched up my broken life it happens again. I don't know if I can do it again. Kylie it hurts. My heart hurts. I feel like I just lost my everything and I know I can't bring any of them back." 

"I miss him. I really miss him. I just want to see him again. I want to hold him and tell him I love him. I want to see my baby. I want to see my precious little baby. It's all my fault. They both are dead because of me." 

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