32.00 : careless

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"Good morning" Seola stumbled to Yein's bed, letting herself fall down next to the female.

"Morning" Yein muttered back, hear morning voice still alittle hoarse.

It took the two younger members a few seconds to collect themselves and get the courage to fight back their tiredness to get up. Today their schedule was filled with photoshoots which was just fine but after the gaming match they had last time up until really late, they were still tired. They definitely shouldnhave listened to Minnie and went to bed earlier, but then again, it was worth it since Seola had to do Yein's laundry for an entire week for losing against her.

After changing into some casual street fashion, they took turns to use the bathroom. Yein had just slipped through the door to enter the bathroom with Yoon after the ussage of Hana. Yein blinked at her reflection in the mirror before washing her face with lukewarm water, applying moisturizer and fixing her hair. Before she could clean up after herself, a panicked voice called out for her making her sprint out of the bathroom straight into the living room where a wide eyed Hana sat on the couch.

"Yein" She said, this time sounding alittle calmer than before, still shaken up nonetheless. Her gaze was directed onto her phone before she noticed the younger standing before her with a confused expression.

"Have you seen the news yet..?" She trailed off. Yein simply shook her head at that before getting her phone shoved into her face.

Yein didn't need much to understand the situation and why her member was freaking out about it. She aswell had suddenly started breaking out in cold sweat, her hands trembling slightly at the sight of the article before her. This was exactly what she wanted to avoid. This was what she never wanted to happen and definitely not with the wrong person.


As if the accusation wasn't bad enough, she scrolled further down to a picture of him blocking her face with his, making it look like a kiss, when he was actually entangling her ring from the beanie Niki had given her.

"no no no no.." she repeated, slumping down onto the couch, scrolling through the entire article with desperation written all over her face.

"Earlier on Friday we had received the few images regarding the two most talked about artists Kang Yein and Song Minjae. We have dug further into the issue and found that the two attend the same class at Konkuk University, majoring psychology since of last month. Classmates have reported to find the two be closer than what they perceive as 'friendship'. They reported that Minjae would follow the female Idol around, sit together and share their meal together. We have also collected pictures of the last interview, seeing Minjae constantly exchange looks with Elysian's Yein" Minnie read out loud, joining the two in the living room with her gaze glued onto her phone.

"That's all a misunderstanding!" Yein groaned, grabbing onto her hair. "We never kissed! My ring got stuck on my beanie and he helped me out! In school we eat lunch with Niki everyday, it's impossible for all of that to even be true.." She added, stressing over the article more than she should. She eventually grabbed onto her own phone, searching the link and finding that it had already spread like wildfire all over the medias. Twitter had already managed to set a hashtag trending. Yein scrolled over social media, finding comments about the situation. She was afraid of what her fans would think.

"I really rooted for her and Niki.."

"First Niki, now Minjae? Is she flirting with everyone now?"

"How far is she going to go? She just debuted and is already snatching our men left and right.. I hate her guts"

"She's not even that pretty.."

"Oh? That came out of nowhere?"

"Let's wait for a statement! This can't be true!"

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