34.00 : exploring Paris

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Tuesday had gone by just about the same as Monday. Filled with classes, chitchatting and avoiding Nishimura Riki. It had become a task that she had proven herself to be rather good at. She had had enough time to practice since it's been an entire week by now. Minjae and Yujin had texted her throughout the week the entire time. Their group chat had been exploding with messages every five minutes. It was to the point where Yein had actually doubted Minjae had any schedules at all if he had the time to text that much.

She wasn't annoyed by it, rather unbothered and pretty much thankful. The constant spamming had distracted her enough from looking at her phone and expecting it to be Niki. She had scratched that possibility out her agenda the second he had left her bleeding on monday. That had been the moment she would never forget and since she was a grudge holder, that would also be something she'd always hold against him.

"Yein-ah, put your phone on airplane mode already. I don't want to die here" Seola sighed, nudging the female before slipping on her blindfold again, trying to fall asleep.

"You do know that we don't die because of it. Your phone will attempt to make connections with every cell tower on the ground the airplane passes. It confuses their communication system.. that's all" The youngest gave her smug grin before turning her phone's connection off anyway. Seola simply eyed her, making a face at her before imitating what she had just said.

"Don't fight guys.. I'm too tired to deal with you" Minnie sighed from behind the two, slumping back into her seat.

It was currently monday, two days before the actual festival. The girls were already on their flight to paris, getting comfortable for the long journey that had gone by rather quick. Turned out that sleeping through almost the entire flight was the easiest and most efficient way to pass time and get rid of excitement. The entire plane was filled with mostly Idols and their staff alot with a few buisness men here and there. The plane had landed about five minutes after Yein was shook awake by Seola, immediately adjusting to the light and loud atmosphere. The sound of people shifting, packing and already putting their jackets or shoes back on was all over the plane up until they had officially landed and were able to leave.

After arriving at the Parisian airport, the girls immediately proceeded to rush outside, catching the van that would drive them to their hotel. A storm of fams had already been waiting for the idols of course and the space for them to walk through became rather narrow and stuffy since people kept pushing from every corner. Luckily their main target weren't the girls, but the boy group behind them, who seemed to get caught up into the storm of fans even worse, giving Elysian the chance to escape to their vans and driving off.

"They're like bees" Yoon breathed out, pulling her seatbelt on as soon as the car engine started.

"Bees? They are usually friendly. Those people out there were like a bunch of wasps"

"Seola, that's not a way to talk about fans" Minnie scolded.

"Why? It's not like they were Rheas. I don't consider people invading my personal space as our fans"

"Seola does have a point" Hana agreed, standing with the younger's ideology of what they perceived to be their fans.

Yein gave Hana a nod, also joining the two. They were absolutely right. There is a difference between being a fan and being utterly disrespectful and obsessed with someone else. The girls liked their personal space and seemed like those obsessed groupies also did. It was hard to just let everything slide, from being groped, pulled, pushed and bumped into, to almost being thrown around. There had been moments were people had gotten seriously hurt during fan mobs like those. The girls were thankful for the high security they had gotten, but others hadn't been so lucky. Others had a company with a low budget and they simply could not afford body guards at all.

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