Twilight ~ Chapter 1

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"WILL YOU STOP PLAYING WITH THAT DAMN THING AND COME DOWN TO LEAVE!" Renee my mother screams from downstairs.

Chuckling, I swing my legs off the bed and drag my black suitcase down the stairs and outside to where Phil is putting my sister and my bags. I pocket my lighter in my brown jacket and watch Phil place my bag in the trunk.

"You got nothing in there to destroy my car, right?" we chuckle at his question. I shake my head no before turning and watching by Phil's side as Bella and Renee hug saying goodbye.

"Alright, girls. I love you both but can we please get in the car to not miss the flight!?" Phil begs them and I nod absentmindedly. My thumb smooths over the plastic of my favored lighter inside my pocket.

As Phil drives Bella and me to the airport, I glance over at her lap. A small cactus for her room at dad's place. It is small and decent, better than my habit of placing things to flames. I am a pyromaniac. I love fire, looking at it, feeling its essence just being near it. It gave me more comfort than my family ever did.

"Better get rid of those lighters when we get to Charlie's. Don't want you killing us." Snippy and moody Bella comments before I comment on her cactus.

"Got it under control." As I speak, I take out my lighter, flip it open, and snap it shut. Smirking at my sister's rolling eyes, I gaze to my right. Seeing the landscapes move by so fast. Reminds me of when I went to that beach party and they had those guys who swung fire on chains. I had an amazing time watching more of the fire being spun quickly in the air than the guy flexing his moves on stage. Bonfires too are terrific.

"Be good kiddos." We say bye to Phil. Phil is a subtle guy, has his own visions, and nearly is the same personality as a dad. I still don't see why Renee would break up with a decent guy to marry the same guy only skinnier and...weaker.

Getting into the place is easy, spending time in a cramped space not fun. No space means no opening the lighter or else I will be put in prison when we make land. I kept closing my eyes and just pictures the flames that I have memorized by heart all my life. 

"We arrived." Bella nudged me with her sharp elbow before standing up. I rub my sore ribs and follow my sister whose mood just decreased even more with reality crashing in. We are now in Forks, Washington.

"Hey Bella," Bella nods before quickly entering the police car. Dad certainly hasn't changed and might be more uncomfortable with us girls being in the same bachelor house as him. His brown eyes meet my auburn ones. His lips quirk up more uncomfortable with me since I am the dangerous one.

"Hi Dad, how are you?" I ask, having the entire patience of a zombie to talk with my father.

"Good. You?" I nod and show him my lighter. His mood dampens at the sight of an old friend of mine.

"Still rocking the fire. Don't worry. I just like the snapping of the lighter, not the actual flame which is a good thing. Right?" I ask leaning on the car not intending on getting in yet.

"That is good. Missed you kiddo." He pulls me in a hug. I pat his back not used to physical contact. Because of my disorder, many people steer clear of me. Afraid I will light them on fire which is never my intention. I bark, never bite.

Bella honking the car makes me jump away from it. We turn and see her glare at us for taking so long. Charlie and I laugh as we get in ourselves for the quiet and uncomfy drive. Dad drives us through Forks to our new home. I am sure that I will be in the basement or even the attic so I'm far away from harming them. Mom made sure I was in the attic so I won't harm anyone when I play with my lighter.

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