New Moon ~ Chapter 10

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I hum softly as Bella leans on my shoulder. I finished singing softly to her my favorite song 'One Day. It has been a year already and Bella's heart is empty. A huge black hole of pain all because Edward has stretched their bonds to nothing. A vampire might not be affected by such a normal thing in their world but a human is delicate to this kind of thing. Every night that Bella screams with her night terrors, I curse multiple times at Edward in my head.

Bella became a shell of herself and it takes me humming and singing to her for her to be able to sleep without any nightmares. Dad is grateful but what about me!? I have a job too and most of these nights my body is all alert for Bella screaming that I lose sleep and have to work harder when I head to work. It takes concentration to fix cars and I haven't exactly been having twenty-four-hour beauty sleep.

Miguel and the other guys have been telling me to take it easy but my strong performance never wanes. Nothing will stop me from working because it is the only thing distracting me from my sister's broken heart and the constant dreams of the kings. I still am befuddled with why I keep seeing them in my dreams. Why should I care or want to dream about them? What importance do they have in my life? Not to mention that my body is constantly in heat. I keep sweating bullets every day. No shower or anything will cool my body. I can't go to the doctor because Carlisle isn't here. Carlisle is the doctor I need because I doubt this heat thing is a human thing. Right now, I am taking my fourth glass of cold water that lubricates my veins and body but doesn't cool off my hot blood.

"Hot isn't it?" I swivel around with one of the kitchen knives. Glaring at the intruder in the Cullens' house, I ready myself for any attack. An old male close to Aro's age and the same height as Caius stands with a long black leather jacket and black everything except his pale white skin.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I ask calmly ready to fight and run.

"It will only bring more and more till you turn into a real pyromaniac. You have only just begun to feel the real fire inside you. When you start feeling like hell, head to that cool cave of yours to fully transform." He disappears the next time I blink.

Who was that guy? His eyes weren't red like a vampire nor did I see any fangs. Something though seemed really scary from his calm demeanor. He seemed to know what I am going through. He spoke with such surety it scares me. I smell smoke and glance at the knife in my hand. My eyes widen as the metal is red as in burning from a  hot stove. Dropping the knife in shock I watch the metal cool down back to the silver steel it once was. I look down at my hands and see the smoke. 

My hands quiver in a shake as the temperature inside me rises to a new height. A hot bull slam in my gut and I shrivel out a cry of pain. I now feel a hot maddening fire flow in my body. It starts in my gut and heart before it spreads. Shaking in agony, I blink away the red color of my vision. I need to take a cold shower. Getting up with shaking legs, I walk with my arms gripping my waist up the stairs and into my room. Don't want to burn the house down with my touch. I open the shower and turn it to the coldest setting. Not caring that I am in my clothes, I get in.

"Aaahhhh!" The cold water shoot bullets on my skin and the burning hot fire sizzles in pain. Gritting my teeth past the excruciating torture, I allow the smoke to fill the room as my hot body soon cools off. Tightening my grip on the bar across from me, I wait till all of my throbbing veins and twitching muscles cool off. From the top of my scalp down to the edge of my toes.

I catch my breath and slide down to lean my back on the tiled wall. I let the cold water continuously cascade on my body. Looking at my arms, the smoke is gone. I breathe out glad all that hell is gone and allow my eyes to close in bliss. Somehow that man, who or whatever he is, summoned a hotter fire than I ever dealt with before. My pyromania does allow me to feel pleasure and peace with the hot flame but the temperature never was that high. That hot! No, something supernatural is going on and that man will explain to me what the hell is going on.

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