Chapter 21

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"Tell us love, what made you think of going to the training grounds without telling us?" Caius asks with his hands behind him.

"Calm down you three. I wanted to go because a. I wanted to start gaining some control over my abilities. b. you three were busy and I was completely safe with three out of four elite guards with me. and c. I know you guys can protect me but I need to learn to protect myself just as much in any case something were to happen knock on steel or wood." Marcus raises an eyebrow but knocks on the wood of the garden doors.

"What does knocking on wood or steel do?" Aro asks.

"It is an expression and part of some practice that when you knock on wood it gives you good luck and keeps you from jinxing yourself. the expression came from some people knocking on trees to awaken the tree spirits within them and ask for their protection. It is a habit of mine to always say and do that to keep from any bad luck happening. Get it?"

"Ah very insightful." The kings nod filing that new information in their ancient minds.

"Wow, nice garden. Oh, carnations. I love carnations. Those are the flowers representing Capricorn." I mention looking at the beautiful red-bloomed flowers. "Sorry for talking so much."

"No, we love to hear your voice talk nonstop." I laugh at what Caius just said.

"Okay but if I talk nonstop then I will probably die because I won't be breathing. When I am a vampire, sure I would talk nonstop due to no consequences but for now, I will breathe between paragraphs." I sit on one of the chairs and look at the blonde king.

"True, true."

"Felix informed me that you don't like going outside shopping." Aro begins a new conversation.

"that is correct and the reason is that in the past it was to prevent my fire to be exposed to humans. I also find it is less to worry about when all you need to do is create a list of things you want and just click on deliver. Granted with the shipping and handling charges. Not to mention I love using sales on everything. When you go out shopping, not all shops have things on sale so you would be paying the original price which is less money in your pocket and more for the government to have."

"Hm, that is true but surely you go shopping a few times outdoors."

"I do. I am not a mole staying in all day. Geez! I would go out more in the evening with fresh cooler air and fewer people to worry about seeing me. Not very sociable with my fear but right now I am changing that. Once I gain control of my fire lighting my body at certain times of the day then I will go out more. Even so, I would go out on strolls at night, sit on a beach and enjoy the sun. Nothing feels more alive than the sun warming your skin and the sound of waves on the shore." I speak without any hesitation.

I love the atmosphere that the kings created with the garden. Peaceful and the sun beaming down on us making the king's skin sparkle. I lift my right knee to lean my chin on, wrapping loosely my arms around my leg and looking at the three men becoming more important to me than anything in the world. Love is growing day by day.

"Morgan, stay like that for a minute," Caius tells me speeding away. Looking at Aro and Marcus they smirk at me but they don't say anything. They love surprising me.

Caius returns with some of his art things. I think I know what he is going to do. He angles the umbrella just right so some sunbeam more on my head. I smile and look at the artistic king. He sits and begins to paint.

"So as Micheal Angelo here paints, what do you two do in spare time?" I ask getting comfier on the chair.

"Hehe, well my dear, I too like strolling at night. Getting to enjoy the peace of the world and maybe one night I should take you out for an evening to do such activity." I smile and nod on my knee. 

My eyes move to Marcus with no surprise a book in his hand. 

"I have no trouble in figuring out your love to read a lot Marcus," I tell him licking my lips. Looking at Caius a beam of sunlight land on my eyelashes, illuminating my eye color and Caius seems to catch it with a grin on his face.

"I do enjoy reading but I also love sitting in the garden and spending time with you mi amore."

"What does that mean?"

"My love in Italian." He tells me. 

"And done!" I lift my head off my knee. Standing, I walk to see the painting. Caius wraps an arm around my waist and I think he just took my breath away.

"Woah." He painted me in three parts of the canvas. The top is of me smiling with my chin on my knee looking at his brothers. the second part was my eyes looking at him with the beaming sun changing one of my eye colors to bright amber. the third is showing the moment of my fire whip flicking to Demetri in the circle and my lip biting.

"You guys were watching me the entire time Demetri was training me." Aro and Marcus sit up in alarm.

"Caius, you didn't." They speed over and look at the canvas. "You weren't meant to see that."

"Don't be embarrassed. I think it is sweet and I am not hating you guys because instead of interrupting the training you trusted that all is well and just watched. Thank you." I giggle when the kiss all kissed me. Marcus my hand, Aro my right cheek, and Caius my neck.

"We love you, Morgana." My eyes widen when hearing Aro say those words. turning I look at them in disbelief. They love me already? How? We barely know everything about each other.

"How could you love so fast?" I ask feeling my confidence leaving my body.

"We have lived and waited for you for centuries. the very first moment we saw you we loved you." I smile and lick my lips before being bold in my next actions.

I first go over and kiss Marcus on the lips. Soft and has my heart sparkle in love. Aro was a bit intense due to him being the passionate one. He smirks at me hearing my thoughts. Caius wraps his arms around my waist flushing our bodies together before clamping his plump lips on my soft ones sucking the breath out of me. 

"Let her breath, Caius." I gasp when he pulls away. I shove his chest seeing the proud smirk on his lips. 

"I just wanted to be the favorite in kissing brothers," I scream and laugh as Caius runs off with me in his arms and his brothers running after him.

Pyromaniac in love (Volturi Kings)Where stories live. Discover now