Chapter 23

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"Glad you are back mi amore. How is your friend?" The kings stands in the garage when we return.

"Good. Broken three ribs which have to hurt if not for anesthetic." I step out and hug the kings.

"We are happy for you." Marcus smiles and keeps an arm around me.

"So who was your friend?" I tense when I hear the growl in Cauis's tone. 

"Jake, he is a friend just like the guard is. Relax Caius. There are only three men in my life and one of them is you." I slip out of Marcus' hold and walk over to kiss Cauis to calm him. "Cannot believe you are jealous."

"I am not jealous. I have no need for jealousy because if I want something, I easily take it." I giggle when I am pressed tight to his side with his face in my neck. Butterflies immediately erupt in my stomach making me giggle some more.

"Right and then you return into a sour puppy." I laugh as he grumbles against my skin.

"Masters," we turn to see a woman with slightly tanned skin, a skin-tight red dress, and high red heels. "There are some matters you need to attend to."

The king's demeanor turns happy to serious with a gust of air. I feel a pout appear on my lips and my heart sinks a bit. I just got back and they have a meeting to go to. Busy, busy, kitties. I look down the corridor and notice Demetri heading to the gym. 

"That is fine. You boys go do your meeting. I got training to do with the guard. See you later where?" I turn in Caius's arms to look at Aro and Marcus.

"That is an excellent plan and we may meet you in the training room." I nod and peck Cauis's lips, Marcus and then Aros knowing he read my thoughts. He smirks and I shove him back playfully.

"You need to get new tricks up your sleeve or else you will be too predictable. Bye." I inform Aro before stealing another kiss and heading off to the training grounds.

I slide my hand down to my jean pocket and I pause feeling the familiar lighter. Pulling it out, I stare down at it. An old friend that has been with me throughout my entire life. A small 5 cm by 5 cm box with some gas inside to ignite a flame. A simple invention and is useful for many things. Source of fire if I ever need it which I doubt I would. It can light a cigarette not that I need that. I already breathe out the smoke of fire itself, I don't need toxic gas in my lungs turning it black and charcoal. Seen the devastation, don't need it myself. Fire is the source of warmth, I already got a 130-degree temperature to my natural abilities. Werewolves are hotter. In temperature not looks.

"My queen" I look up seeing Alec standing before me. Looking around I notice I have been standing in the exact spot for who knows how long.

"Alec, sorry." I pocket my lighter and resume walking to the training grounds. "I was caught in memories."

"It is alright as long as you, yourself, are." I nodded smiling at him. Walking in, I witness Felix with his signature move of pinning some other guard or vampire by the throat on the floor. Hmm, are all Volturi men predictable?

"Felix, how are you?" I call out and nod to the guard who bowed as I walk further to the center of the room.

"Pumped with energy my queen." I chuckle and flick my wrist summoning my fire whip.

"You and me this time or are you too chicken?" I challenge him smirking. I am starting to like the guard. 

"Ready when you are." I smile and throw the whip at him. He moves with speed to the left and I chuckle throwing the whip after him.

He spun circles around me and I breathe out a flame before slamming the flaming tip at where his foot would land next. He stumbles rolling on the floor and another guard begins spinning around me as more guards stand in the outer ring. 

Pyromaniac in love (Volturi Kings)Where stories live. Discover now