New Moon ~ Chapter 13

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"Who is this?" Emily has a huge scar on her face and knowing how sensitive I am with my marks; I look away. 

"This is Bella and Morgana Swan. They are the girls who run with vampires."

"We don't run with them. Because they are...very fast." Bella says shy and not looking at the boys digging into the muffins placed on the table.

"Save some for your brothers and ladies first. Muffin?" Bella nods taking one while I politely say no thanks.

"Yeah, well we are faster." I scoff a laugh at the expression he makes.

"Try not to get too overconfident. Vampires and Werewolves may have a race with speed but it takes a brain to properly kill a vampire." I comment not knowing all the werewolves are taking my words as advice.

"Good to know." I widen my eyes when my brain processed what I just said and done. Somehow I feel guilty for going against the vampires. Yikes! I hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the butt. wonder if vampires do that? I know some kiss ass but bite?...have to think about that one.

"Seriously Gana!? Have you no loyalty?" Bella says under her breath but I still hear her. Glaring at my bratty sister, I turn to talk to her.

"The hell Bella!? I do have loyalty but it is not like I want to choose aside. There is no war and if there is. Humans should stay out of it. It is their problem, not mine. you can go do your banshee scream and see how far you'll get before your blood is sucked dry and your corpse lying on the floor. Tell me how that will go?" I cut the argument short because I notice the smoke rising off my body. "Anyways, got to go deal with something. Be back later."

I walk out of the house before running into the woods to light myself on fire. I jog through the woods and stop in a secluded place so that the flames don't burn the woods nor does anybody see me. The familiar hell hot fire spreads from my front to the rest of my body. I sigh with the feeling the fire brings me. a warm embrace, a fur coat that keeps me warm and complete. Fire will always be my love among others.

"Gana?!" My white glowing eyes widen at Bella and Jake voice. No! NO!!!! Cursing in my head, I turn and face them. Bella expression is a mix of shock, disgust, and anger. Jake has a frown on his face which eases some of my worry.

"You shouldn't have followed me." I tell them, tucking my fists behind me nervously.

"Guess you really are the true monster." The flinch can be seen miles away. Bella having nothing else to say walks off. I turn my eyes to look at Jake who stays waiting for soemthing. 

"Have you killed anyone or burnt anything?" Jacob speaks making me jump.

"No, hell no. I always keep myself at a good hidden distance for me to turn into this. You think it would be easy with the fear of my infatuation with fire but this is for sure going to get me to die alone." I scold myself for being so reckless. Ha, I thought Bella was reckless but right now, it is I who did the stupid thing.

I didn't check my surrounding. I learned the very first lesson is to observe your surrodunings for any danger but stupidly enough I didn't. For that, I didn't notice my sister and her wolf friend following me and finding out my secret. I am sure Bella will never talk to me again. The small sister bond we created is now shattered to pieces that I cannot mold back.

"Then  I don't hate you." What!?

"Jake, you do know I am on fire. The most dangerous element in nature, right? I can hurt you!" I tell him trying to get him to hate me as he should. For him to run and stay far away from me.

"I know but you aren't killing me. You are at a distance where neither of us is getting hurt. So, you aren't a monster." I press my lips in a thin line. The fire dissipates in a puff and I am left without the curse, bare toward any person to kill me.

"Look af-"

"After Bella, I got it. You did make me promise and I hold to my promises." I nod before I begin walking to my car.

"I hope you won't do anything reckless." Jake nudges my arm with his causing me to flinch away. "Sorry."

"I am too. I just still am depressed about this goddamn curse. Now that I have these sporadic episodes of lighting myself on fire, there surely will be no real future for me." I say before getting in my car and driving off.

I faintly hear Jake call and say he doesn't believe in that. Driving has never been so peaceful and for once I am glad for the loneliness and silence. I am serious though about what I told Jake. Now that I become a ball of a fire nobody will love me. nobody can and will because they will be afraid of when I will snap and kill them.

Parking at my dad's place, I stay in the car for a while. Bella is for sure going to continuously call me a monster. I wonder if she will tell dad. How will he react? Will he kill me with that gun? Call me a demon and shoot? I probably deserve it. I am a demon.

A flash of the three kings enters my eyesight and I whimper. I don't how or when just seeing their faces will leave me crying my eyes out? Why do they affect me so much? Every time I get into my depressed state they pop up and make me regret thinking such thoughts. Why!? They are of no importance to me. shaking my head, I grip the steering wheel and stare at the garage door. I need to think of what to do. Bella will for sure tell dad that I got so into my pyromania that I light myself on fire to feel pleasure. Something like that and then he will kill me. Kill, my death will be by my hand only. Nobody is going to kill me but me.

Getting out of my car, I grab my phone and place it in my back pocket. I am done. No vampire kings nor human guns will stop me. Why should I stay when all I will be is a demon walking among normal humans. Why should I stay and watch everyone love someone, do something, do anything humanly and immortality possible, and know I won't be able to do any of it. I text my boss that I am quitting my job as I found another one. I text bye to Johnson, Miguel, and Aramis and say they have been great friends. I hover my index finger to text, my dad, a goodbye but stop. He will soon hear of it and if not then I have simply disappeared and won't ever come back. Texting quickly I text everyone a hi, goodbye, and love yous before beginning my trek through the woods.

Fire curses me. Made me into this hated and feared person. So to stop it and to bring me at peace. I choose to die by its enemy. Water. Not the river but the ocean. A vast abyss that will hide my body and never see the sun. the Volturi king's images flash over and over in my mind without any control but I push on. They are not going to stop me. Nobody is because nobody cares. I allow my tears to flow, the wind to push on my chest. The wind thinks it can stop my destination but it doesn't and won't. Climbing up the rock to the ledge I stare at the vast dark lapsing waters.

"Morgana..." I turn to see who whispered to me. Nothing.

"Don't..." "Do..." "...this!" Three male voices echo behind me but I shake my head not letting that stop me. It is simply my body's way of imagining a safe way to be at peace when I die. 

"Please! My love..."

"Don't jump..."

"For us, please..."

"You are not stopping me." I turn and intake a breath. The three Volturi kings stand like ghosts and hold expressions that tighten the pain in my chest. They hold care, and love and are begging me to not jump. "Goodbye."

I lean back and welcome the splashing of the water. Good thing too as the smoke began to rise and my body starts heating up. Underwater, the fire doesn't pursue to cover me. My veins throb and my blood siren call me to get out. To let the fire consume me once again. I close my eyes, a smile on my face, and the Volturi king's faces are the last thing I see before darkness swoops in.

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