Chapter 24

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The three kings stand up tense and I feel my heart beat against my ribcage. What the hell!? We are getting attacked!? By whom. 

"Who?" I hear myself ask.

"The Romanians. They have quite the number of newborns." I pant holding a hand to my throat. Those poor people, all turned forcefully to be soldiers in a battle. It is not right.

"Morgana, calm down. We will never let harm come to you." I blink and allow Aro to lower my hand from my neck. The sincerity in his eyes calms my racing heart.

"Be careful." I know they have to go in to fight.

"You too. Do not let anyone inside until you hear us call you. Alright." I nod and Aro kissed my forehead.

"Stay alive, please." Marcus and Caius speed over to hug me.

"We will. Have some faith in us." I give them a smile and watch them run out of the room. I hear the lock click into place. I sigh and look around the room. Where would be a good place to hide? What would muffle my heartbeat? My eyes look in my closet. I get off my bed and walk to the closet. Opening the door, I slip in and close the door back. Backing away from the door expecting some beast to barge in.

I have faith in them they will be fine. Jake's broken ribs enter my mind and I begin to pant harder and faster. Oh god, I need to calm down. I do not need to light this place on fire due to my fear. Jake is mortal which led to him being hurt but the kings are vampires. I think they have a different way of being hurt and not feeling much. Oh god, why did I just picture the king's heads detached from their heads?

"Calm down, calm down." I chant closing my eyes to prevent my body from going into flames. "The kings will be fine. They aren't kings for nothing. Right?"

I gasp when a needle pierces the skin in my neck and a female voice speaks in my ear. "Hello human." I cannot see who is behind me before all goes black.

One day I'm gonna fly away
One day when heaven calls my name
I lay down I close my eyes at night
I can see morning light
One day I'm gonna fly away
One day I'll see your eyes again
I lay down I close my eyes at night
I can see morning light

Opening my eyes, I blink away the piercing light. Where am I? Slowly turning my neck, I grunt as its tense muscle snap and click loose. Dark wet black rock greets me across. Its systematical pattern is an odd view for me to wake up to. Sharp corners and flat faces. Clean and straight edges. A shiver running over my skin turns my attention to my body. Why is it so cold? Did someone put me in a freezer? How can I not remember what happened that led me to be here? My mind is foggy.

"...up, darling." A voice push through the buzzing in my ears. Blinking and gulping help clear my senses. Glancing over my shoulder, I see a figure. Slim with some fabric flowing in the wind. Are we outside?

"Wakey, wakey, human girl." The single figure split into two. The light behind me cast on blue and red dresses. Long fair hairless legs step out and I lift my gaze to the faces of my captures. The two queens I thought were dead.

"You are the two wives of Caius and Aro," I whisper, my throat dry as the desert.

"Yes. seem your memory has not disappeared. Tell me, sweetie, are you afraid?" I narrow my eyes and move to stand but my limbs are pulled back.

I move and my body aids me in feeling cold heavy objects binding me. Chains. That is not the only thing I feel. Looking at where the sunlight is, I feel my breath leave my lungs. Mountains. Snowy mountains stretch far beyond the distance. Where am I? How far am I from the kings? I turn to look back at the two female vampires.

"Where am I?"

"We are not telling you. You do not need to know." Athenadora says standing up from crouching beside me. I am lying on my right side against the rock wall. The snow beneath my arm is warm but my left side is cold.

"What are you going to do?" I ask shivering once more. Glancing down, my eyes widen in shock. My pale skin stares back at me. No piece of fabric can be seen on my body. I am bare naked.

"Oh, so you finally realized you are naked. I am sure you aren't that surprised. I bet you have shown that ugly body to many human men before." Suplicia hums walking over and smirking.

"Sulpicia, leave her be. She will have a lot of time to think and enjoy the last bits of her life." Are they going to turn me into a vampire? If so, why have they not done so before? Are they going to let me suffer first? Are they going to kill me?

I wiggle summoning my fire. Smoke pours over my skin and my fire slowly appears bringing me hope. I scream when ice-cold water is poured on my skin. My body shivers and shakes. My fire disappears. I look at Sulpicia holding an empty bucket tipping toward me. She smirks with a vile look in her red eyes.

"Oh yeah, we know your weakness." Water, snow, ice, cold. They are going to keep me in this cold wasteland weak. Till how long, I have no idea.

"What are you planning?" I hiss at them. Instead of summoning my fire to burn the chains, I allow it to flow through my veins and warm myself from the cold. I do not know how long I can last though.

"You don't need to know that." I glare at them before looking at the sun rising in the sky. How long have I been here? Judging by the height of the sun, I bet half a day. 

"Why are you doing this?" I ask with some idea of what the answer is.

"Your ugly human form took our husbands. I bet you played them so well siren. I bet you think this beast inside you is going to get away with stealing or husbands." Sulpicia's long nails trace a pattern over my stomach. Her red eyes narrow and glare at me. I press my lips tight as her nail digs into my stomach. "You will beg us to rid you of your horrid human life. That is what happens when you try to steal a vampire's husband."

"I am their mate. It was destined to be." I gasp and cough as another bucket of ice-cold water splashes on my body. 

"You foolish human. You are nothing but a monster. Sulpicia, she is not pregnant. Aro and Caius would never fuck something so pathetic and dangerous. They would never risk their bodies going in flames." Athenadora places the bucket down.

"You have a point. I do know she screed with human men. Slut." Sulpicia hisses in my ear before standing and walking to the back of the cave.

I sigh and look toward the entrance of the cave. 'Please be safe, my kings.'

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