Chapter 18

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The books are all old and dusty but it is a huge comfort and fear to me. My fire episodes can destroy this huge place and then I will be served on a silver plate while when I don't blow up in flames, I can live here if I wanted to.

"What books do you like to read?" Marcus asks with an adored gleam in his eyes. He loves books just as I do. Just like the dream I had the third night of seeing them; Marcus and I were leaning on a tree and were reading a book while the breeze was flowing through our hair.

"Fantasy, some Shakespeare, action, and adventure." I heard Aro whisper something making Caius look at his brother in alarm before smirking at me.

"Hm and other kinds I presume?" Aro better has not said what I think he said.

"Aro, mind keeping my thoughts to yourself unless given permission to say something?" I nearly scold him. I know he said the private reading preference I rarely read.

"Understood love. Apologies."

"No objections to actually knowing you like some heated subjects." I throw the red plush pillow at him from my spot near the sofa in front of the fireplace.

"A human has needs you know and at least I have a limit to bare minimum read in those genres."

"Sure." I huff and turn my head at him. I was right when I dreamt of him, he is a bit of a pervert.

"Now, my dear, let us speak about your abilities." Aro takes my hand in his and guides me down on the red plush couch. Sinking, I giggle before leaning forward to sit up straight.

"That is a good idea." I can't wait for a plan to be discussed. In such a short time, I really don't want to leave this place or them. They aren't wild and loud like all the other kids in Forks but cool, calm, collected, and also, I like being bonded with vampires that I know will understand my fears.

"I see no problems with you being at our side my dear. We and you, yourself, know the sign of when you will catch on fire so to speak so there really is no need to worry about you harming any of us."

"Aro is correct mi amore. You already proved you can be around us even when you are on fire. Remember? You easily stood up when smoke was rising off your body and you knew just what to do without any of us worrying. You mustn't be afraid of yourself because you have control. Just need to believe in yourself to see it."

"You guys are more perfect than the vampires told in storybooks. It is unbelievable how you guys understand so well and make me see a brighter side of my ability than anyone, even Carlisle, has ever made me see. Thanks."

"It is our pleasure, Morgana. You are our mate and we want you to be happy. If giving you compliments and constantly giving you reassurance then that is what we shall do. We would do anything for you; for you mean the world to us." I gulp down the tears before flinging myself on Caius and hugging him tightly.

"Awe, you made my day." Marcus' long arms wrap around my waist while Aro slides his hand over my arm smiling at me.

"Glad to do it every day if it makes you look this beautiful." I laugh and shove Caius a tad bit.

"Where is she!?" Frozen silence fills the library and our eyes and head turn to the library door.

"Who was that?" I ask not knowing I will get my answer soon. The doors slam open and I flinch and jump on my seat. Marcus moves closer to me, blocking my form from the two women at the library doors.

One woman has long black curly hair with gorgeous looks but a killer glare was directed over to me. The other one is blonde in the same style but seems to be saner than her girlfriend seething in rage.

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