New Moon ~ Chapter 9

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"I'm sorry Carlisle," I say for the thousand times. I wince once more as Carlisle is stitching the cuts on my back.

"It is not your fault. It is mine." Bella stands beside me with her arm stitched.

"How can it be yours? It is a normal thing to get a papercut. It also is a normal thing for a newborn vampire to get that frenzy of hunger. Right Carlisle?" I ask turning my head slightly.

"Right. Morgana, please don't act so calm about it." I roll my eyes knowing what he is going to say.

"My dad will be fine and it was an accident. What part of that word does nobody understand?" I ask getting agitated with their reluctance to accept it was an accident.

"It could have turned far worse."

"But it didn't. Ow, careful." Carlisle picked some nerve as he finished the stitching.

"I always am." He finishes and I am able to sit up and stand. I turn and keep a level head, can't have my blood begin to boil.

"Also, Edward needs to stop beating himself up. If he doesn't I will beat him till he definitely stops himself. "He should be happy he got Bella and me a further distance to not be attacked by Jasper. He shouldn't be focusing on how he hurt us. When one is pushed some cuts may happen. God, you guys have control. Be happy about that!" Carlisle only smiles but it does nothing to calm my ranting.

Before I blow on everyone, I bring my sister home. The car ride there was silent and I know Bella is gritting her teeth with guilt and blaming herself for bleeding. If it were Jake right now, he would be saying she was stupid in thinking that it is bad for bleeding. It is a human thing to bleed. Get over it!

"Bella!" I call as she gets out of the car. She turns to look at me still with that guilty expression. "It is not your fault and it certainly ain't anybody else. You are safe, they are fine. Things will work out." She nods and walks inside.

I know it will be hard for all of them to even get over this event. So, while they are balming, I am driving. I head to the only person who I know will always have Bella back. Parking in the driveway, I see the garage is open. Getting out, I head to Jake's garage seeing him work on his motorcycle.

"Hey J," He jumps drops the wrench, and turns to see me.

"Morgana, what are you doing here?" He gets up asking.

"I want to know something and for you to promise me something."He turns his smile to a serious frown.



The whole few days Bella has been telling me the Cullens aren't at school. I certainly know why but I didn't tell Bella. She will know soon which will be told by one of the family members. The Cullens have been packing. They are leaving Forks.

"Edward, are you certain this is necessary? Your bond has grown between you and Bella. Dumping her here and now, is going to break her. God knows what will happen." I watch Edward pack all his things not saying anything.

"She deserves a better life than one I can give her. She needs to be human and with me, she won't be. This is the best option for her." I admire the way he is thinking but he also is breaking a heart. "She will heal."

"I don't know. Can a vampire heal his own immortal heart?" I ask making him freeze. "Do you love Bella?"

"Yes. That is why I am doing this." He grabs his bags and heads off. Leaving me in an empty room with few CDs for me.

"Morgana," Esme and Carlisle call from the living room. I stand up and walk to them.

"We are leaving and we want you to live here in the meantime. It is your home too and so, you have the keys." Carlisle hands me their key to the house. I lick my lips to hold back the sad shivers to quake my body.

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