Chapter 25

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***Warning!!! Some extreme actions and abuse will happen in this chapter. If you don't like it move to the next chapter. You have been advised.***



"Where is she!?" The kings have finished fighting the newborns. They return to their queen and find her nowhere to be found. The guard has searched the entire castle and nothing. The more time spent with no news of the queen, the more the king's anger grew.

"Brother, calm yourself." Aro muses trying to remain calm. Getting angry will not help them find Morgana. Aro eyes Demetri sniffs the window more and more. "Demetri, what is it?"

"I smell snow and ice. The queen's scent is faint. I believe someone took her." Caius yells smashing the desk in half like the incredible hulk.

"Could you follow the scent?" Marcus asks just as eager to find his mate. He already lost one, he does not want to lose another.

"I will do my best." The kings follow Demetri outside and out of the city.

'We will find you, my love.' The three kings think at the same time following the tracker.


I yelp opening my eyes, snapping out of my sleep. A shot of pain runs up my hip. Glancing down, I wince when another pang of pain hit my leg. The queens still are in the cave with me and hold black whips.

"You woke up." they snap the whip on my skin. I wince once more. Looking down at my body, i notice a lot of red marks lining the pale white color of my skin. They must have done this when i fell asleep. How did i not wake when they began?

"the kings will never love you ever again." I clench my eyes when the whip lands on my cheek. Ow! that fucking hurt. "Oh did that hurt? Not sorry."

"I did nothing to you. you are just being petty," I tell them showing no fear.

"Silence!" three whips land on my arm.

I growl getting annoyed with their actions. Just because they are not the king's mate does not mean they have to become she devils. they are worse than Bella and her obsession with immortality. Athenadora walks over and pushes me on my back. Sneering at me, she and her friend whip some more. I yell when Sulpicia dumps another bucket of ice-cold water on my body. The cold ice stings the whip marks.

"Try burning us now bitch." I see it before she can hide the look. She has turned crazy. Possessive and obsessive in becoming queen once more. "We were the queens of the vampire world. Rich and gorgeous as everyone did as we commanded. And then you, a disgusting. Vile. Punny. Monster." Sulpicia whips my body between every word. "came in and stole our kings. Banishing us."

"You took from us so now, naturally, we took you from our husbands. You will never see them ever again. We will guarantee that." I glare at them and will my fire move to my wrists. I need to get out of here even though the cave is warm. I breathe in and blow out a gust of fire at them.

They scream and speed outside to extinguish the fire in their hair. I smirk at my small victory but I know I made my situation worse. I push some more fire to melt the chains. Even if the kings might not ever find me, I need to get out of here myself. My father would be disappointed if one of his daughters just gives up without a fight. Not me. I will always fight. even if it means freezing to death.

"You fucking bitch!" I cry when my leg is stabbed. "You like that? Eh? Here some more!"

I cry less when she pushes the weapon further drawing out more blood. Athenadora glaring in fury, dump a big bucket of ice water on me. The ice washes the blood and numbs my leg but still manages to cool off my fire. I can't keep this up. Soon they will remove every flicker of fire I have in my body.

"Like a dragon you still have fire." My body freezes not because of the ice water and the cold wind picking up from outside but because of the fear spiking my nerves. I do not like the suggestive tone in Athenadora's voice. "Sulpicia, come with me. I have an idea we need to discuss."

The blonde queen pulls out a small dagger and throws it down. Closing my eyes flinching, I expect pain to flare up but nothing. Opening my eyes, Sulpicia smirks evilly at me. Following her arm, she stabbed the dagger into the stone pinning the chain. Digging her fingernails with her cold fingers squeezing my jaw and moving my face to look at her.

"You are to going to die by your weakness monster." Throwing my head to the side, I grunt as the sharp rock hits the side of my head. I feel something warm flow down my hair. The rock cuts the skin.

"Sulpicia." The two women walk to the back of the cave and begin whispering in their vampire-hushed voices. 

I feel a tear fall down my cheek stinging the cut some more. My heart weeps and prays the kings will find me but that is a long shot. the wind will probably blow away my scent leading Demetri in circles. The scent of my blood can help but it is also impossible. The girls will make sure my blood is mixed with that ice water.

I need to gather my fire once more in my hands to burn through the chains. I have about a few hours if hypothermia hasn't set in. Due to my blood being really hot, I can last a bit longer than a few minutes with hypothermia. Although, with my exposed skin and the ice water hitting me every time I get an ounce of fire to fill my veins; how am I still alive? Licking my lips, I barely feel my hot tongue. Great, there we go. I am starting to freeze to death.

"Feeling cold human? Good. We did not even touch you so it is by mother nature that you will die. Oh look, your lips are blue. That is good."

"Y-you won't g-get a-away with t-this." My shivering is growing and I begin to stutter. I won't last long if they keep pouring ice water on me. Looking outside, the sun is lowering. Shit!

"Yes, we will." Sulpicia walks over and I hear a click. the chains slacken and I slip my hands-free. My movements still have strength in them so I am not that close to death. "Have fun surviving out there."

I slide backward lifting my bum off the snow but the women catch me before I get too far. Athenadora kneels behind me, keeping me still. Her arm pins my elbows back and the other hand grips my jaw. I wiggle and fight but it is no use. My legs are weighed on and my eyes move forward. No! No, no, no, no. She is not going to do that.

"Let us lubricate that throat of yours. Huh?" I press my lips tight. Athenadora's nails dig and I whimper as my blood pours out. 

"Come on now. Don't you want a nice fresh drink?" I am not letting them pour ice down my throat! Sulpicia leans on my leg making me open my mouth crying. She takes the opportunity to shove the glass of ice water in my mouth. 

Tears pour down and Athenadora makes sure I gulp it down holding a hand on my mouth. The ice slides down to my stomach and all the heat keeping me warm and preventing hypothermia to set in dissipates. 

"Have fun," I scream when my body is flung out of the cave into the air. I see five figures down the mountain and my heart prays that are the kings. I scream once more seeing the ground approach.

I grunt when I land and whimper feeling pain shoot up my arm. I think I dislocated it. Shifting my weight off my arm, I lay on my back on the thin layer of snow on hard rock and yell out till my lungs lose every puff of air it has. Blackness swims in my vision and I whimper. This situation is worse than jumping into that ocean in La Push.

"I'm sorry my kings," I whisper out into the air before I turn limp as a noodle; falling to sleep.

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