Chapter 22

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"Hey, guys. Where is the Volturi quartet?" I refer to Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri as the Volturi quartet since I always find the four of them constantly around each other. The three musketeers but I have yet to see who is D'artagnan. I am leaning toward Demetri, he just has that persona or it can be Jane since she is the wild card and is more powerful out of the four.

"They have gone to Seattle to check on the rising murders. We believe it is newborns." Marcus tells me welcoming me to sit on his lap and lean on his chest.

"Really? That is close to Forks. Why hadn't Carlisle done something? Did you ask Aro?" I look at the raven-haired man of my life.

"We were wondering that yes. That is why we sent Jane, Alec, Demetri, and Felix to check on the situation. Do not worry too much about it." Aro snatches me away from Marcus.

"Hey, I was comfy." He chuckles tightening his arms on me. 

"What have you been doing love?" Caius asks giving me all his attention.

"Nothing much. Practicing more with my fire. Oh, and before I forget, I now can control when my flames cover my body."

"That is amazing mi Tesoro," Marcus told me that means treasure.

"Yeah. I guess with fear my powers were gaining their own confidence in doing what they like but now I am the boss." I feel prideful in being able to gain a lot of control over the fire I control.

"What about that nightmare?" 

"Don't remind me," I grumble now losing my happy mood.

The nightmare Aro is referring to is the one where I am standing in a dark abyss and suddenly my body is alight with my flames. I was feeling so happy and I actually let go of any and all control allowing the fire to spread. The dark abyss changes and I are in the woods with everyone I love surrounding me. They are screaming and running away as my fire spreads and forms into multiple fire birds swallowing each and every one whole.

"What nightmare?" Caius and Marcus now worry.

"It is just a nightmare and dream. I always believed that every dream and nightmare is part of your life and the emotions you feel during your life. Due to my being in constant fear of losing control a nightmare formed of all my loved ones being burnt by my fire. That is why I need to gain control of my fire to prevent that."

"And you are doing an excellent job with it." I smile snuggling more on Aro.

"When do you think they will return? I want more practice." I ask keeping my eyes closed.

"You don't want to hang out with us?" Caius asks sounding offended.

"You guys are busy and I don't want to distract you."

"We could never be distracted by your presence amore mio. The rest of the day we can do something." Aro says.

"Hm like sit here all day and let me sleep on you. How is it possible for you guys to be comfy?"

"It is how we are made as well as being hard as stone to protect you." I laugh.

"Yeah keep telling yourselves that. I could burn all three of your asses and you wouldn't get a scratch on me. Sorry for ruining your confidence but you're not all that invincible it is cute how you think it." I open my eyes and look at Marcus. He has a book in his hands once again. "Marcus, do I have to wrestle with a book to get your attention?"

"No need mia Regina. (my queen)." He puts a bookmark and sets it down. 

"What are you reading anyway? Caius please not another painting."

"A habit and you have plenty of angles I wish to paint and parts." I glare at him.

"Nuh-huh, you are not seeing me naked just yet." I shake my head at him before looking back at Marcus.

"I was reading 'The Nutcracker." My eyebrows shoot up.

"The nutcracker? you have the book. No fair." I pout before smiling and laughing as Marcus snatches me out of Aro's lap.

"We have five copies. You only need to ask." I gasp when Marcus gives me a copy.

"Yay!" I turn and kiss his cheek. I get off his lap and go over to Caius stopping him from painting.


"Aro and Marcus got their turn, now it is yours." I lean on his chest and dig my nose in the crook of his neck. "Does this bother you?"

"Never." I giggle when his arm wraps around my waist and allows me to open my book beginning to get lost in E. T. A. Hoffman's book 'The Nutcracker.'

My phone begins ringing and pulls me from when Clara was dancing with the Nutcracker. Pulling it out, I answer the call.


"Morgana. Jake is hurt." I jump up concerned.

"Who? where? when? how?" I ask Paul.

"newborns. here at Forks. A few hours ago and a newborn broke three of his ribs. Carlisle is taking care of him but if it hadn't been for your sister..." I hear Sam talk to him. "Could you probably come over?"

"I will be there as soon as I can." I get off of Cauis lap and run to my room. In the middle of my running, I hang up and make it quickly to the garage.

"Love, woah easy. Where are you going?" The kings meet me at the cars.

"My friend is hurt and I need to go and make sure he is okay. Please." I ask not even feeling tears pool. At that exact time, the quartet returned. 

"Felix, Demetri, can you possibly return back to Forks with me? A friend of mine got hurt in the fight and I have to make sure he is okay. Please."

Felix and Demetri glance at the kings before nodding and Jane gets out with Alec. I slip in and blow a kiss to the kings thanking them. The guards make it to the plane in fifteen minutes and we take the jet which gets me to Forks in a few minutes. After another five-minute drive to the border, I run like a mad woman to Jake's house.

"I am here. How is Jake?" I ask breathlessly.

"I called you half an hour ago," Paul states shocked.

"Fast-speed driving and a jet. Back to what I asked, how is Jake?" I pause seeing Bella get out. she freezes in her step and glares at me.

"What are you doing here?"

"Visiting a friend that I care more about than you do bitch." I slip in not in the mood for her drama. Walking in, I find Jake lying on his back with a cast holding his arm on his chest. "Jake."

He opens his eyes and looks at me. Surprise fills his eyes before a smile stretches out. I grin and go over to hug him softly. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Visiting you. What is wrong with you? throwing yourself to a newborn like that."

"I did it for you." Crunching my eyes, I look at him.


"I did it for you. Not for Bella. You are a great friend and you need me more than anything and i..." he swallows his saliva. "I need you more than Bella. I was blind to her stupidity and I fought thinking I am mending my mistakes. I fought and will fight for you, my vampire queen."

"Who told you?"

"Bella and besides the small jabs, I understood you are the mate of three kings that i bet melt for you." we chuckle.

"Yeah. I am so glad you are okay but don't get me worried like that again."

"I can't make that promise." We laugh and talk before he nods off to sleep and I return back to Volterra.

Pyromaniac in love (Volturi Kings)Where stories live. Discover now