New Moon ~ Chapter 11

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Miguel and Mike both rushed to go throw up. Bella, Jake, and I look at each other watching the two run out. Sighing for the dull movie, we leave the theatre and wait outside for the two.

"What a bunch of marshmallows." I laugh at Jake's comment about Bella and I dates. "You should go out with someone with a stronger stomach."

"I agree. They lasted at least three-quarters of the movie. I say that is a record." I lean on the staircase as Bella and Jake sit on the stairs.

"Yeah, could be." Bella seem shy around Jake and I relationship. Friends only.

"You okay?" Jake asks Bella as she is slightly quiet.

"Yeah." Jake and I glance at each other. We don't believe that for a second.

"I don't believe that. C'mon, you can tell me." Jacob holds Bella's hand but she pulls out. Licking my lips, I feel the tension. "What I can't hold your hand?"

"Of course, you can. I just think it means something a little different. So..." I breath out for how awkward and weird this turned out.

"Well then tell me something. You like him right?" Bella bite her lip, glance over to where the boys went before nodding. I don't believe that at all. "And you think he's sort of beautiful?"

"Jake..." I begin to snort which leads to laughter.

"Yeah, he is a total model." We all laugh at my sarcasm.

"...don't do this." Bella turns away snorting slightly. I find nothing funny about this.

"Why?" Jake tone turns slightly agitated and I too am getting heated. Glancing away, I see Satan looking at me with red glowing eyes. It is nearly time.

"Because your about to ruin everything." I believe I just heard my sister become a total douche.

"Ruin what!?" I ask, my blood beginning to boil.

"and I...need..." Bella slowly says seeming extremely nervous. I hold back my glare. She still thinks of Edward.

"Well, I've got loads of time." Jake, you are a sweetheart. "I'm not going to give up."

"I don't want you to.'s just because I don't want to go anywhere." Where the hell does she think we are going to? Africa!? The agitation and burning fire begin to crawl but I hold back everything to get a real reading on Jacob's and Bella's relationship here.

"It's really selfish. I am never going to run right?" What is she trying to say!? My god, woman! You are confusing.

"It's because of him right?" Bless you, bless you, Jacob Black. "Look, I know what he did to you. Bella, I would never, ever do that. I won't ever hurt you. I promise."

That would never be a promise I could do. Great! Depression hit again! Damn it! I turn back to see Satan is gone from the last I saw him but looking in the other direction, he nudges his head for me to get out. Not yet. I shake my head and focus on Jacob and Bella.

"I won't let you down. You can count on me." Bella leans on Jake's shoulder as such a promise is being said. 

"Glad that is over with." We all look over to Mike and Miguel that emerge from the bathroom. Really!? "What? I was feeling sick from before."

"You were sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital." Jake seems agitated and I know how he feels. This whole night never was meant to last. 

"Guys, I am just going to go. I suggest you guys do so as well. Bye Bella." I turn and run out feeling the stinging heat begin to get smoke to fly off my body.

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