Twilight ~ Chapter 7

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Being at the residence, everyone begins to plan for a way to get James off of Bella's trail and to follow the decoys. Bella is led away with Jasper and Alice driving off while Carlisle pulls me to the side.

"Morgana, you know how to mask your scent right? with the woods?" Carlisle asks.

"Yeah, I learned how to do it perfectly. Camouflage as well." Carlisle nods.

"I am bringing you to the cave and you light that fire of yours. Roll yourself in the mud or do anything to stop James from smelling you. Now, get on my back." I do as he says, feeling awkward about the situation of a teenage girl on a doctor's back.

He speeds off to my cave. Standing by I roll myself in twigs and leaves, caking myself like a dog in wet mud. Carlisle carries me into the cave and helps start a fire. Swiftly moving, he nods and hands me a new lighter. He speeds off leaving me all worried.

"Good luck," I mutter under my breath and just grip the lighter in my hand. The smoke and fire distract my thoughts and gives me peace. I know how hunters work, they can wait for the whole day just for their prey to come out and then they attack. Moving out of here will cost me to be either turned into a vampire or dead with no blood whatsoever.  

At least now I may think over everything that has gone on today. I find out vampires are real and definitely different than the ones in movies and storybooks. They glitter under the light which is why the grey cloud setting is the perfect coverage for them. They still are fast and strong. They still can bite and drink blood. They also have powers and somehow the only thing I would think about is how they die. Odd I know but it is a manner of protecting myself, especially with stray vampires like James and his companions.  My phone rings and I open my phone seeing it is my mother. Why would my mother call me? Answering but not speaking I listen as my mother is crying and calling Bella's name and even my own. I remember at that stupid ballet studio Renee screaming the exact same thing when Bella and I hid from her. I know immediately that it is James and his voice once again confirms it.

"Better come save your precious mother. I will drink her dry if you don't." Ending the call, I am left pondering. James hunter skills are ten on ten I have to admit but a hunter cannot outsmart another. I know he will play with our minds to get us to go where he will surely attack me and Bella. He uses my mother's voice just to lure me in. I dial Carlisle's number. Three rings and Carlisle answers.

"Bella is going to her dance studio thinking our mother is trapped but she isn't there. James is going to attack her. Get any of you that is the fastest to go to this address that I will text you. Hurry and don't worry. I am still in my cave." I end the call and send the address of the studio.

I know Bella will want to save mother because she is that gullible but putting both of us in danger by going into the hunter's trap will put more strain on the Cullens in saving us. They need to save my sister more than they need to save me. I sigh and ease myself onto the stone wall. The fire is dwindling and so I place another log of wood into it to relight the fire. The stench of mud might be gross to others but I gladly welcome it if it means saving my skin and keeping the Cullens to lessen their worry about me. I know lying in the same spot might catch the other vampires finding me but my rolling in the mud and adding that Carlisle helped me mask my scent reassures me I will be fine. I also know my dad will not be in trouble. James is only after one prey, not two. Dad is in no danger and to comfort and prove my point I am calling him. Dialing once more another phone number, dad answers with a cracked voice.


"Hey dad, it's Morgana. how are you?" I keep the conversation light, wondering what went on with Bella.

"Oh Morgana, thank god you are alright. You are alright, right?" he asks.

"Yeah, I am fine. Glad you are okay even though your voice is cracking. What happened?" I ask.

"Bella is gone. You are gone. I am so sorry I have been a horrible father." The crying chief of police breaks my heart. I do wonder what Bella had said that got dad to think this stuff.

"What happened dad? What did Bella say?" After sniffing a few times he tells me how Bella broke off with Edward and said that she can't stay there anymore just like mom said to dad when she left. Bella! Why would you say that!?

"Dad, listen to me. You are not a bad father. You-" he cuts me off.

"But you left! I haven't seen you all week nor did you call and I thought the worst had been because I don't have room here in this house for you! I am sorry Gana. Please come home and we will find some way you can live here and...I am so sorry." I slid my lips back in my mouth to hold back the tears that are daring to spill over. 

"Hey, instead of crying how about I tell you about my job." Dad cleans himself up over the phone before he allows me to talk. "Well, I got a job as a mechanic in town and work a nine to five shift every day. I actually impressed the guys there."

"You didn't set any fires?" He asks.

"No dad, and by the way. I have gone a whole week without a lighter. During my scream fest with Bella last week, in a fit of rage I threw my lighter and broke it by the stream in the woods. For a whole week, I haven't had a lighter and I am still alive and sane. Dad, you don't have to be afraid of me. I have everything in my life under control. Got a nice living space." I ain't going to tell him I am in a cave. "Got a job instead of school. Everything is fine in my life so you mustn't worry. Besides, I am not going to leave Forks. This is the perfect place for me to stay. you, dad." I hold back the crack in my own voice when I tell my dad I love him. I never said those words before and just saying it makes me believe I truly am worthy and capable to love someone.

"I...I love you too sweety. I am sorry I wasn't there for you honey. But if you want and you may, you are welcome to come over anytime so that we create a bigger bond. It was only once I got to see you and now that you are staying, I want to know my little girl." I pull the phone away as tears slide down my face. Things turn out right when you believe.

"I got it and I will visit. Promise. Got to go anyway. See you later, dad." Charlie laughs on the other line before saying bye as well and we end the call. I look outside as it gets pitch black and I know I should head to bed. Lying down on my side, I watch the hearth of the fire burn down. I hope Bella and the Cullens are okay and stopped James and his hunting ways.

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