Chapter 53

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Ying walked the halls of the hospital where her son had spent the majority of his medical career so far to pass the time. All hospitals were the same to her though. The same beeps of machinery and tinny intercoms. The same halogen lighting, linoleum flooring, and linens on the beds. Even the looks on the faces of the medical personnel rushing to and fro were the same.

What was worst of all was that her son looked so much like his father, attached to numerous wires, lying back on the hospital bed. However, where her Ju-Long had been gaunt and ashen with sickness, Huan was covered in splotchy bruises, gauze, and healing cuts. It hurt her soul to see another person she loved more than anything else in the world suffer when she could do nothing to help. The universe couldn't be so cruel as to take her son from her as well.

Four days and Huan was still unresponsive on the bed. Four days and Lynne was becoming a shade of her normal, vibrant self, just stagnating at his bedside. Unlike Ying, the younger girl rarely left the room or ate. Ying went home each night to get a respite from the monotony. Lynne stayed, unwilling to let him be alone.

That same morning when Ying came for her visit, she overheard Lynne speaking to Huan in a hushed voice. She was holding his hand in hers and muttering something about a "mooncake." When Ying finally walked fully into the room, Lynne stopped talking and wiped the tears from underneath her eyes. Ying walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You should go for a walk Lynne, get some fresh air and something to eat. You haven't left this room in a while."

"But what if he wakes up?"

The older woman chuckled. "Then he'll see my tired old face looking at him. I will be free to give him a stern talking to without the possibility of you protecting him." She grabbed the younger woman by the elbow and tugged her to her feet. "Now go on and get some food in you. I know you probably haven't eaten anything today and you barely ate yesterday."

Lynne stood up and turned toward the older woman. "You're right. I need to-" She stopped in her tracks as a dull pain radiated through her abdomen. She put her hand on the edge of Huan's bed to steady herself.

"Are you ok?" Ying looked at her with concern.

"Yeah, I'm ok. Probably just hungry. I'm gonna use the bathroom before I go get a cup of tea." She walked into the bathroom in the room and closed the door. After she finished relieving her bladder she wiped herself and stood up to flush the toilet, but froze when she looked down. The water in the bowl was tinged pink. Her eyes widened in panic. "No. No. No," she brought up a hand and clutched the base of her abdomen.

Lynne stood rooted to the spot as she ran over numerous scenarios in her head, each more devastating than the next. Her heart was racing as panic slowly crept through her body. Something is wrong. Something is very very wrong. She was brought out of her trance by a gentle knock on the door.

"Is everything alright in there, dear? You've been a while," Ying called from the other side of the door.

Lynne flushed the toilet, washed her hands, and opened the door. Ying was standing right outside with a look of concern on her face. The older woman took in the dazed look on Lynne's face and put a hand on her shoulder. "Are you ok?"

"I'm...I'm bleeding."

"Ai-ya. In all this hubbub you probably forgot you were expecting your monthlies. It happens to all of us women. No need to be embarrassed; I think I have something in my purse if you need anything."

The dull ache in her stomach that Lynne had previously attributed to a need to empty her bladder returned and she closed her eyes until it passed. "I-I shouldn't b-be bleeding," she stuttered. "Something's wrong. I'm pregnant. I shouldn't be bleeding," her voice, laced with worry, wavered as she struggled with the last sentence.

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