Chapter 13

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Sitting in the elegantly decorated reception area of Dr. Ulias's office in Midtown, Lynne was trying to will her stomach to calm down. "I'm so nauseous, I can feel my heart beating in my stomach. I don't think I'm going to make it through this appointment without puking at least once. Plus, they instructed that I have a full bladder. So I'm either gonna piss myself, puke, or both," she whispered to Huan as she leaned her head back against the wall behind her.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't think so. Unless you can have the morning sickness for the next few months instead of me."

"I'm sorry Lyndy. Ah-choo." He sneezed into the crook of his arm.

"God bless you. Don't be. I signed up for this remember?" She handed him a tissue from her purse. He nodded back in thanks before blowing his nose. "And it's not for forever. I get to pee soon at least. Eventually, me and the parasite will come to some sort of agreement and the constant nausea will disappear."

Throwing out the tissue in the nearby trashcan, and sitting back down, Huan covered her hand with his and pulled it toward his chest.

"What are you doing, Huan?" She asked him with a skeptical look on his face. Granted, they were the only people seated in the waiting area, but this meant that the receptionist was probably listening to every bit of their conversation.

"Just bare with me for a moment. Close your eyes." Holding her wrist, he turned her palm upwards and placed his left thumb on a spot a few inches below her wrist while his right hand held her hand in place. Feeling around on her inner arm with his left thumb, he located her two tendons and gently pressed against them. "Deep breaths in and out, Lynne." He continued to massage against the same spot for a couple of minutes before switching to her other arm and repeating the process. Lynne visibly relaxed and opened her eyes.

"What sorcery is this?" She asked him, shocked.

"You feel better?" He asked her with a small smile on his lips.

"Much. Seriously, what magic did you just do to my body?"

"Not magic, acupressure. That was your Pericardium 6 or PC6 pressure point. It alleviates nausea. Only temporarily though, but you should be able to make it through your appointment if you press that spot on both your wrists when your nausea acts up again."

"I still think it's magic. Not only are you a superhero, but a wizard too. You are magnificent." She leaned over and pecked his cheek before resting her head on his shoulder.


"Just a little bit. I mean, I've done my research, you've got the list of questions, plus the Head of the OB/GYN department recommended this doctor. Things can't be outlined much better, but I still have a couple butterflies floating around my insides."

"That's only natural for a first-time mom. Plus, you are a habitual worrier. So, I'm not shocked." Lacing his fingers through hers, he gave them a firm squeeze. "But we're doing this together, so you don't have to be so worried."

The door opened next to the reception desk and a medium-height, red-haired nurse in pale pink scrubs called out Lynne's name. "You can come through to the back now."

Taking a deep breath, Lynne stood up, straightened her skirt and blouse and walked toward the door. Huan followed behind quietly.

"Excuse me sir, we only allow," the nurse began, but was cut off by Lynne.

"It's ok, he's the father."

A brief look of doubt flashed across the nurse's face as she looked from Lynne to Huan, before she turned around and led them to the exam room. Behind her back, Lynne faced Huan and quickly signed the word, 'rude' with disgust. In response, Huan sent her back an equally displeased, 'I know, right?'

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