o. chapter ten

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"Congratulations to the 228 students who have successfully passed through, the narrow fate of Eden and are here today due to their own efforts or those of their parents or guardians" the man congratulates the participants of Eden

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"Congratulations to the 228 students who have successfully passed through, the narrow fate of Eden and are here today due to their own efforts or those of their parents or guardians" the man congratulates the participants of Eden. Loid crosses his arm while staring at the stage in front of them. Byzantine wasn't going to lie, the academy was gorgeous--especially since everything remained clean and kept. 

 As the audience claps, Byzantine smiles. They have succeeded in the second part of their mission and sooner than later they were going to succeed. "We at Eden Academy extend a hearty welcome to you!" the man adds while the staff behinds him begins clapping harder. 

Thank goodness. All that's left now is to teach Anya, and she's a fast learner. "Dad, there's a lot of people with the same clothes as Anya!" Anya says while looking around. The woman chuckles, "Yeah that's a uniform" Loid answers clearly unfazed by his daughter's curious nature. 

I highly doubt Desmond is going to be here, all that's left is for Anya to be friends with Damian or for her to be an imperial scholar--even as Anya's mother, I know that's reaching. 

"Next, I will announce the class divisions" a subject teacher announces while Byzantine fixes Anya's uniform. "You have to be very good, me and Loid aren't there to watch you" she warned while cupping the child's face and giving her a small kiss in the forehead. 

It certainly was going to be hard at home without Anya, no more noise and no more scolding her about messy peanuts. "Please come forward when we call you" the man announces. 

"I wonder what class Anya will be in?" Anya inquired while looking at her schoolmates lining up in front of her. "We'll see" Loid answers with a light smile. Still looking at the crowd. 

I know what class she'll be in, if she can't be an Imperial Scholar--she could be friends with Damian and they'll have playdates. Which means we get to see Desmond! 

"Anya Forger" the man announces while Anya freezes, it was evident that she was nervous. Walking down like a soldier, the woman resists a chuckle. It was cute, but she definitely would have to stop that since the headmaster is addicted to elegance. 

It doesn't help with the fact that Byzantine taught the child hand-to-hand combat for the sake of comforting her if ever she got kidnapped. Loid doesn't know that I taught her though. Let's hope he won't kill me. 

Glancing at Loid, she presses a smile on her face. Looking at his nervous demeanor, she begins to realize that he's probably just worried for Anya. "She'll be fine" she states while leaning down on her chair. To be honest her back was starting to tire from the rigidness, she could feel everyone staring at her. "What?" he asks while she frowns. "Anya" she replied and he nodded. "Ah yes" 

"The homeroom teacher is Mr. Henderson" the man states while Loid slightly relaxes, the man had showed them slight hospitality a few days ago. He's hoping that Mr. Henderson would show Anya a little kindness--or favoritism. 

"Now, new students will tour the school with their homeroom teachers and then go to their classrooms. In the meanwhile parents are welcome to lounge and socialize in Building C" As the class slightly fades from their view, Loid slumps. "I'm worried for her." he mutters while rubbing his temples. 

The fate of the mission was in the hands of a six year old child--it was expected that Loid would be a little nervous, but the woman trusted Anya and hoped that she would pull through. 


Her hands tightened around the stem of the wine glass, Loid stood beside her--nervous and glancing across the room for Desmond. "He's not here" he mutters while she sighs. A part of her already saw it coming, rich people hardly had time for their children. Anya just needs to be friends with Damian--that could be the only way now. 

Walking away from the crowd, they sit around a corner. "You remember the last time we were here?" she asks while taking a sip of wine. A smile found itself on his lips while he nodded slightly, still remembering that day like a vibrant memory. "I cried for you" she states while he looks at her. 

That mission in Berlint costed them, their careers. And despite it being long ago, neither of them fully recovered from it. "I worried for you too" he replied while placing an arm around her. He needed to be alert, and she was already letting her guard down. "But I guess you were right in the end" she chuckles. 

The roads did connect the both of them--after all. Now a few years later they're here for another mission, she could only hope that it ends better than the last one. "I'm always right" he jokes taking a sip of his champagne. He wanted to go home, turn on the radio--eat some peanuts and soda...but instead he's here with some stuck up rich people. 

Changing the topic, she breaks free from his stare. "How do you think Anya is doing?" she inquires while fiddling with her bracelet. Loid completely forgot about Anya, he was nervous about the child--sure she could be a genius at some times but she was clumsy and thinks out of the box too much. 

"She'll be fine" he comforts while she nods--there was no use worrying about her right now. Let's just hope that she'll do a good job. 
































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