1 - Tour

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I throw my bag onto my bunk and start to get everything out and put it away. Unfortunately, Gerard has always had bunk below me.

As he's unpacking his backpack, he sighs, clenches his jaw, and sends me glare when I look at him.

If looks could kill, he'd have a dead body on his hands. I never said I wanted to live. .I wouldn't mind it that much if I weren't going to disappoint so many people.

No, snap out of it. You're so much better than this.

I send the same look back to him, hopefully even pulling it off better. Thank You For The Venom, I guess.

I walk away, into the kitchen where Mikey and Ray are talking. Mikey, as usual, has coffee. Ray has a cupcake. He was talking with his hands again. I don't remember ever having cupcakes-

And then boom. He stuck his hand in the cupcake. Maybe you could say. . .the cupcake wasn't on his Raydar. .

Am I PUN-ishing you?

Deal with it.

I start to giggle and Ray and Mikey are laughing messes too. I walk over and steal the cupcake. Ray looks absolutely SHOCKED when I eat the entire cupcake at once.

"Finally, some gOOD FREAKING FOOD."

Hopefully, I won't choke on this.
At that moment, Frank walks out of the bathroom. I kinda forgot about him for a minute there. Ray and Mikey are still trying to process what just happened.

Frank looks confused and Gerard was coming into the room about to make some coffee when I had eaten the cupcake, so he's wide-eyed. Ray snorts and then everybody starts laughing or even harder than they already were. Ray, Mikey, and Frank, still laughing, walk over to the couch to play against each other in Mario Cart.

Gerard was still laughing when he went into the now-vacant bathroom. Heh. Heh. Heh. I have a plan.

Gerard's coffee is done. Don't ask where I got it, all you need to know is that it's motor oil. I pour about an ounce in his coffee, stir a little (even though it won't mix), and put the lid on. He won't notice a thing. Until he tastes it.

It's been about 5 minutes that Gerard's been in the bathroom. . . What's he doing in there? I go to sit on the couch with the boys.

Finally, he walks out of the bathroom and gets his coffee. I had looked over at the noise, knowing it was him, just to see the reaction. He notices me looking and glares at me and then the coffee suspiciously. In one swift motion, he pours the coffee out into the sink.

My plan was ruined. You can't win 'em all. We'll get him next time.

I can feel his eyes burning into the back of my head. Ray, Mikey, and Frank have their eyes glued to the screen.

Gerard's POV

I guarantee she put something in my coffee. She just had that stupid look on her face. It was an intuition kind of thing I guess.

I rinse the cup out and make some more coffee. The life of a successful adult - wake up, it's time for coffee. Eat lunch, it's time for coffee. Eat dinner, it's time for more coffee. Survive, it's time for coffee.

I kinda want to mess with Frank. I'm gonna get some of the tea about his girlfriend. Her name is Jamia. (I know this isn't really how it went, go with it)

"Frankieeeeeeee, come hereeeeeeeeeee."


"Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee Frankieeeeeeee"


"Do you not love me anymoreeeeeeeeee???"

"No, I don't." He doesn't look up from the screen. "Not over winning Mario Cart, at least."

"Pwetty pweaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Fwankieeeeeeeeee???" I stick my lip out and droop my eyes. Puppy dog eyes, he can't resist.

He loses to Ray, swears, and finally looks up at me. "No. . ."

"Fwankie. .pwease?" I tilt my head downwards slightly.

"Maybe. . ."

"Pwease Fwankie. .I'm your bestest fwiend."

He rolls his eyes. "Fine."

I drop the act and whisper a victorious "yes!" (Make the joke, in the comments please. And yes, I do know that you're reading a crappy fanfiction at 3 in the morning when you have 3222013 assignments due tomorrow and have beef with at least 10312019 people.)

He gets up and comes to sit with me on the barstools by the kitchen island.

"Soooo Frankie, how are you and Jamia?"

"Everything is great!" He huge grin is etched onto his face.

"Have ya kissed her yet?" I sound like a third grader.

He turns a lightish shade of pink. "Yeah, a few times. ."

"Oooooh Frankie I'm telling your mommmmmmmmmm."

"Ha, no."

"Have you done the. ." I made an inappropriate hand gesture.

He slapped my hand down. "No! It's too early and I won't ever if she isn't comfortable with it happening!"

"Awwwww Frankie actually respects someoneeeeeeeeee."

"I respect everyone until they disrespect someone else for no reason."

"Yeah Frankie." I cross my arms and smirk. "What's your favorite thing about her?"

"How sweet she is, how she can brighten someone's day just by smiling." He smiles at the thought.

"Frankie, I think you might've done something."

His face is completely pale and frozen in fear. "I swear it wasn't me. I didn't mug that guy."

"Uhhhhh Frankie I was gonna say you might've fallen really hard for this girl but I guess you had something else on your mind. . ."


"That response wasn't very reactive, like Potassium Chloride," Y/n chimes in (with a haven't you people ever heard of-)

She was listening the whole time. Snoop (Dogg).

"Shut up, nobody wants to hear your chemistry jokes." I roll my eyes.

"You're just mad that I'm smarter than you are."

"Pfft, you wanna bet?" I am so up for this challenge.

"You better know it. 20 bucks says I'm smarter than a walking Dodo bird."

"40 says I'm smarter than that watermelon on your shoulders."

"Ray, they're verbally having hateful sex again," Mikey says.

"Shut up," Me and Y/n say in unison. (Grammatical error was on purpose, I put me before her because I'm better.)

We glared at each other.

"Uhh guys can you not fight, please?" Frankie says, breaking this awkward silence.


"Probably not."

"Well, how about we play truth or dare?"

Everyone agrees, so I guess this is how I die.

This is the first chapter, and it's horrible, no promises it'll get better. I've never done anything like this soooooo you get the idea. So long and goodnight 🐢💨

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now