5 - Post-Show

312 9 17

Why am I being so nice to Gerard?

Why does my brain have to work this way?

It's just because he's hurting. I can't be rude to someone in pain. It only fuels the fire. Yeah. Totally.

There we go. I have my answer.

"Alright boys, let's eat some pizza I guess."

They all nod, and I get the frozen pizzas out of the freezer. I preheated the oven. As I waited for that, I read the instructions on the box. When it preheated, I threw it in the oven and set the timer. I sit at the island beside Frank and Mikey, Gerard in front of me and Ray on his right.

"Sooooo, what do you guys wanna do after we eat?" R

"Sleep." G

"So shut your eyes. ."

"Don't start, that doesn't even exist yet." M

"He has a point, ya know." F "You can't make a reference to something that doesn't exist yet."

"Yeah, yeah." I look over at Gerard and he's literally asleep, palm holding up his face. Aww- no. Not today. Not happening. Shove off, emotions. I'm too punk rock for those.

I boop his nose until he wakes up.

"You have to eat and then you can go to bed, Gerard."

"No. I wanna sleep."

"You're gonna eat, even if I have to shove it down your throat."

Frank snorts.

"What, Frank?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." He winks.

The oven timer goes off and I pull the pizza out.

I have a HUGE fear of fire and that kind of heat. In my opinion, burns are the absolute worst. Physical burns, not Frank roasting you on Twitter.

I wait a minute or two for the pizza to cool off a little and then grab the pizza cutter thingy and attempt to make decent sized pieces. I then split the pieces between me and the boys; I give them a little more than me because they eat like hogs and, truth be told, I do too, but not as much.

Gerard picks at his, staring off into space. I snap my fingers, successfully gaining his attention, and point at the pizza.



"Because you need to and I said so."

He scoffs, but begrudgingly picks up the pizza and starts eating it. One piece. Two pieces. Three. The rest of the boys have already huddled in the living room, starting another game of Mario Cart. Yes, Gerard tried to watch, but sNaPiTy SnAp SnAp.

He's looking down at the plate, now littered with crumbs. He sits there for a minute before finally speaking.

"Thanks for looking out for me. .even if I've been rude all these years. ."

"Yeah, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so rude to you either."

"So, friends?" He stuck his hand out, Draco Malfoy style. Only, he didn't get rejected like the ferret did. I took his hand in mine, a firm grip matching his.

"Friends, but I think we can do much better than a handshake. Where's my hug at?"

He laughs, and I wrap my arms around his torso. Of course, he hugs back. His touch lingers for a while, and he takes a sharp breath in.

"I'm going to bed. .uh. .will you maybe stay with me?"

"A little quick aren't we?" I wink.

"Oh! No, I mean you don't have to. I was just asking but you don't have to. ."

Poor little guy.

"Of course I will. Come 'ere you little muffin."

"I'm taller than you." G

"Shut up. You're my little muffin."


"Zip it."

I put my hand on muffin man's back, guiding him to his bunk. He crawls in there and I cover him with the blanket. He has this adorable look on his face.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in just a second."

I go and use the bathroom, wash my hands, etc. I go and lay next to him; he's already fast asleep, facing me.

His hair falls over his face in a way that makes him so devastatingly beautiful. His pale face that usually looks so distant finally looks at peace. God, he's perfect.

I pull my eyes away from the view and turn the other way. The boys eventually go to bed after a few hours of literally any video game they can find. I stare at the wall. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. I look at the clock on the wall. It's 3:12. Gerard shuffles a little in his sleep and ends up with his arm on my waist, pulling me closer to his body. He's comfy. And warm. Muffin.

I smile a bit. It's an odd comfort. The closeness is odd, but comforting. Welcoming, even. I eventually fall into a deep sleep.

*Time skip*


What time is it?


Oh crap.

It's noon.

The boys are doing God knows what, but Gerard is right beside me, his arm still wrapped around me. I turn to face him, finding him still asleep. My hand starts to go up to his face, but it flinches back as I realize what I was doing. His eyes slowly open and his face turns a light shade of pink as he realizes I'm staring.

"Morning, muffin."


His morning voice is deep and raspy.

"Come on, we gotta get up."

"No. Stay with me."

He pulls me closer, my face on his chest. We get up about an hour later. Luckily, we don't have a show until tomorrow.


"Shut up." M


"Frank." R

"Leave them alone. They're bonding." M


As the day goes on, I don't get anything done. Gerard and I got donuts and Starbucks. Overall, I had a good day.

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now