Hewwo, for the fourth time

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Haha, hi people. So I'm going to make a few excuses about why I haven't updated in almost two weeks.

• I was grounded
• I was distracted by this dude again but not the same one (be prepared for a rant about this dude)

Ok, so this dude's name shall be You-Know-Who because of the slim chance of him reading this. He marches baritone, he's older, and he has awesome hair. How much older? 'Bout 3 years. His younger sister is in most of my classes😐 Anyway, bro is literally majestic and I really enjoy talking to him because he's just really goofy and sweet. Problem is, I think he's gay and dating his section leader. The plus side is: I haven't seen him talk to his section leader much lately. Yeah, so it's really weird.

Let me get to the point of this lol

I'm going to start working on another part in a while, but for right now, I'm going to find an Oliver Wood x reader.

I love you all! Stay happy, safe, and please, alive; it's wonderful having you here. Thank y'all for reading this and putting up with my weird writing style in the beginning. I promise I will edit it someday. Byeeee beautiful people!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰💞💞💞💞💞

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