21 - It's About Time

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So far, I've had a. .strange. .pregnancy. Not because there was anything abnormal about the pregnancy, but all of the things surrounding me were. Gerard took care of me and dealt with all of my antics, but he actually got a job.

I've only known Gerard to be able to get one job in his life, which was at a Barnes and Noble and he only had it because Mikey pulled some strings.
His job was only part time due to the fact that we didn't need all that much money and he wanted to be able to be here for me throughout this.

We still work on more music, just less often. Frank, Mikey, and Ray and have still been working on all of their parts together and even started new songs. They're almost done with all of their parts, but we're still working on lyrics. They all come around to visit a lot.

We had a gender reveal a while back and it's a girl. We've decided on the middle name Lee, but we're struggling with a first name. I guarantee she'll be the most beautiful little thing ever. I'm going to have to be a Minerva McGonagall type of parent in some ways because Gee isn't stern enough for that. He'll let her get away with so much.

"Hey, sugar. How are you feeling?"

"Better now that you're here. What about you?"

"I'm fine. Do you need anything right now?"

"No, thank you." I kiss his cheek as he sits down beside me on the couch.

"You're beautiful, Y/n. You know that?"

"Thank you and yeah, I know that. You only tell me at least twice a day," I laugh.

"Just being honest."

I smile, but that soon fades as I feel her move around. Most of the time, even with this belly, I forget she's there, but then she'll squirm around and give me a good scare. Gee sees this and has had this happen enough to know what's going on. He smiles at me and draws little circles with his thumb on my stomach.

*Time skip a few months*

Within a few weeks, my due date will have passed. We decided on the name Bandit for her. Over the course of the entire pregnancy, I craved sweets and sometimes even ice. Also, my skin was not perfect.

We finished the album, but we haven't recorded any of it. It should be out sometime in 2010. We all decided that we would release Conventional Weapons through a series of singles later after this album.

*Time skip about a week. Sorry for skipping around so much.*

As of right now, we're at the hospital. I wasn't in labor for a very long time and I didn't have to push a whole lot. I walked a lot through the pregnancy, drank a lot of herbal teas, and ate a lot of fruit. (This actually is true, if you need it. It's actually really cool, research it.)

Gee held my hand the entire time and gave encouraging squeezes. He's literally perfect.

This is my life now. I'm finally a mother with a flawless father to match. Bandit will be raised right (she's listened to a lot of music already and that was when she was -7 months old.)

Of course, I'll still be able to tour because she'll be old enough to stay with someone for the length of a concert. The plus side is that she'll be almost two by the time she go on tour for this album.

*Time skip a few more months*

Bandit is a few months old now and she's perfectly healthy. She has chubby little cheeks and her favorite thing to do is play peek-a-boo with Gee.

Gee does his best to take care of her and even learned how to change a diaper a while back. He talks to her a lot in this sweet, childish voice. Every time he does something like this, it makes me fall in love all over again.

He always tries, and fails, to make her say something, even though she isn't old enough at all. All she'll do is giggle at his face. He tried to make her say 'slay bestie girly pop' one time.

I've noticed that he's gotten very, very thin and frail. He keeps skipping his meals and hardly touches his dinner. At first, I thought he didn't touch his dinner because I wasn't amazing at cooking. The problem is that he used to always eat anything I cooked and would even compliment it. I didn't know he skipped other meals until he started making excuses to not eat when I'd say something about it. It's not healthy for him and I have to talk to him about it.

I had already fed Bandit and laid her down to sleep. Gee sat at the table with a plate of food that has only been played with. His hand propped his head up and he stared off into space.


He snapped out of his daze and looked at me. "Yes?"

"I don't exactly know how to work towards talking about this, so I'm going to be straight up. Why are you starving yourself?"

"I. . .I just don't feel like it. It just feels right to just. .not."

"Gee, it's not healthy for you."

"I know, but it's so tempting to just continue like this."

His voice cracks, he's falling apart.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. We'll get through this together. I'm not letting go of you anytime soon."

He smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Now, I want you to pick your favorite thing on that plate. I want you to do your best to eat it. You don't have to eat all of it, just try."

He picks up the fork and slowly starts to eat. Throughout this, I'm rubbing up and down his back from where I'm standing.

"You're doing great, Gee. If need something, let me know."

This is progress.

Hi!!! This is the end and I want to wish all of you an early happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now