3 - Pre-show

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I wake up early the next morning. I work up the nerve to get out of bed, note, it took me about twenty minutes, and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

I get in there, use the bathroom, crap-

I started. Anger issues and food cravings here we come-

I do my thing, wash my hands, brush my teeth and hair, and get out because Gerard spends like and hour in the bathroom every morning. And what would you know? Gerard is in the kitchen, waiting on me to get out of the bathroom.

"Was so big of a dump that you needed snacks?" He asked.

"I assure you it wasn't snacks."


"Yeah, idiot."

"Excuse you?"

"What? Did I mess with your ego?"

"Yeah. I'll have you know that I am the king of stupidity, not just an idiot." He flips his hair and makes a face.

"So you admit I'm smarter?"

"No, you're the queen."

"Ew, marriage."

"I didn't mean it like that. Stop taking things like that."

"What other way is there to take it?!?" He's confusing me and I'm a little frustrated.

"Uh, guys?" Frank chimes in- "Can we please not argue today? We've got a show tonight and we don't need bad vibes." I didn't even notice he was standing there.

"Yeah, I'm tired of fighting a losing battle," I say, adding a little sass to it.

"Me too, I'm tired of being in the same room she's in."

"Look like you two finally agreed on something!" Frank laughs. "MIKEY, RAY, IT'S A MIRACLE!!!"

Mikey and Ray both groan and do the manly wake up routine thing they do together. This includes swapping a sock, drawing a stickman somewhere on the other's body, and a few other weird stuff. They say it 'pumps them up.'

"What were you saying?" Mikey asks as him and Ray walk into the kitchen.

"Frank is excited because Gerard and I agreed on not arguing today, or at least trying."

"Nice going, Frank. No sarcasm intended." Ray gives him a thumbs up, Mikey nods in approval.

Frank nods and smiles. "Well, we should get ready."

"Okay but what are we gonna do after that to pass time?" This was Gerard.

Frank smiles evilly. "I though you'd never ask."

(From here on out I'm going to put their initial and what they do when they say it cause I'm lazy and unmotivated. Unless, of course, it's Y/n, then it's from her perspective.)

"Now I'm scared for my life." G

"I second that."

Ray and Mikey are too busy getting their breakfast to care about what we're saying.

"All we're doing is having a dance party!! Very bold of you to assume that I, Frank Iero, the safest person to be around, would put you in harm's way!" He has a hand over his heart and has a look of mock offense on his face.

"Frank. . .you hit Mikey in the face with your guitar one time." I roll my eyes.

"And you shoved Ray's face into the wall, accidentally, of course." G

"At least you agree on something else." F

"StOp MaKiNg ThIs AbOuT uS hAtInG eAcH oThEr!!" We say in unison. This results in glares being sent the other's way.

"Then stop hating each other. When we get back home, Ray, Mikey, and I have a surprise for y'all if you are nice to each other."

Frank POV

They're getting the surprise whether they're nice or not. Well, actually, if things work out a little too well, we won't be because I really don't want my mom to think that it's me moaning.

But they would work so well together-

But. . .


Gerard POV

Heh heh

Dance, dance.


Dance, dance. We're falling apart to halftime. . .

~time skip, an hour, brought to you by homophobia being gay~

Dance parties in the living room with Frank are awesome. Mikey and Frank made me and Gerard dance together. I mean, at least he didn't stink. Hygiene is important, kids. Ray had found a random speedo, somehow. He put it oN HIS HEAD AND PULLED HIS HAIR THROUGH THE HOLES. Everyone was a laughing mess.

Yeah, we're definitely not okay.

But yeah, we're definitely ready for the show.

~time skip, a few hours, brought to you by Gerard's lost hat~

"Alright, Y/n and Gerard, you two go do your vocal warm ups, and Frank, Mikey, and I will go do all of our warm ups and make sure the instruments are in tune." R

"Alright, let's get this show on the road!!" I say, a little overly enthusiastic.

Honey, This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us ~ Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now